Entries: Task 1

47 1 14

Harley Jackson


That was the first thing (or colour) I saw when I opened my eyes.

I instantly sat up from my sleeping position with my head pounding. I clutched my aching head and took in my surroundings a lot more calmly than how I thought I was supposed to react. It was most probably due to the fact that I couldn't think straight with my throbbing head.

I could vaguely remember about drinking some nasty potion and being knocked out. But that wasn't important now. The most important thing now is for me to figure out where I was.

I shut my eyes for a moment until my head to stopped throbbing before looking around again, this time, with more things actually being absorbed into my head.

White walls; cemented, white floor; white ceiling. This place was epitome of blank. There were no windows or doors anywhere and it seemed like a small little cube room that seemed a bit too out-of-this-world. The room was quite surreal, to say the least.

Even if I wasn't told what to do to complete this task, I'm guessing that the first task in this tournament was for me to escape this crazy place.

I've done things like muggle escape rooms before, considering that I had my muggle friends from primary school invite me to their group events before I attended Durmstrang. The only difference was that now I was alone and the room is basically just plain and empty with pretty much no clues given at all.

From my previous experience in escape rooms, the first thing I should do is to check for any clues or anything I could possibly use to escape. Well, I'm not too sure if that'd work since this place is so empty but hey, there's no harm in trying right?

I stood up and, I know this might sound a bit weird, began caressing the walls. I wanted to feel if there was anything printed on the walls or something and I didn't want to miss a clue. I then took off my shoes and walked around barefooted, just in case there were things on the floor I wouldn't notice if I was walking around with my shoes.

And boy, was I smart (wink).

Due to my barefooted feet, I felt something a little... different, on the floor. Some parts of the floor had a little different texture to it compared to the ones I had been walking along. Instead of the smooth, cemented-feeling type of ground, I felt a rougher and more plastic-ish feeling.

I looked down to see what was that. And there I saw...


Was I imagining things?

I rubbed my right foot continuously against the floor and still felt that texture. So, I kneeled down onto the floor to give it a closer look.

I slowly moved my fingers across that particular area, putting more and more pressure against the surface. To my absolute surprise, the white plastic surface started to wear off.

I started to feel a little excited and for some reason, I also could feel a warm breeze brush across my face which was pretty weird, considering I was in a confined room. But after learning about the Heads of the three schools and their weird ways, I learnt not to question phenomenons.

I rubbed the area with all my might and from there, it revealed a few black spots. Continuing my action, the black spots began to grow, and finally, I started to make out what those black things were.

They weren't spots. They were words.

My discovery led to more excitement and for some reason, the breeze kept getting warmer but it didn't matter to me.

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