Bonus Task 2

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The boy raced down the hallway, his robes whipping behind him. He laughed as he heard his friend's footsteps pounding the floor behind him. "I'm going to get you!" His friend laughed, only half joking.

"Only if you can catch me!" He taunted.

"Maybe this'll catch you!"

The boy fell as the spell hit. He open his eyes. Then he closed them. And he opened them again. And somehow, it still didn't feel liked he had opened them at all.

His friend ran up and laughed, "Looks like I caught up".

The boy only responded with panicked breathing.


+Task: You will write about an average day at Hogwarts, preparing however you feel is necessary for the second challenge of the tri-wizard tournament. However, as you are on your way to the Great Hall for breakfast, you are hit with a spell. It can be an accident, it can be on purpose, however you want to introduce it. You should describe the rest of the day dealing with the effects of the spell in the bonus challenge. The spell will wear off naturally after this task.

+Bonus Challenge: You will have the choice between two spells to have cast on you. One spell will make your tribute lose their sense of sight, and the other will make them lose their sense of hearing. You can make up the names, or try to find a spell with similar effects, however you want to show it.


            - Most creative bonus challenge solution (2 pts.)

            - Most creative overall (2pts)

            - Most creative name of the spell (1pt)
            - Best characterization (1pt)

            - Best description (1pt)

            - Best Dialogue (1pt)

+Word Count: 2,000 words

+Due Date: Friday, July 14th - 7:00 pm, EST

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