Entries: Bonus Task 1

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Rayner Joseph

"Ray, do you want to enter?" I turn my head slightly to see Violet staring at me with wide eyes, her head cocked to the side in curiosity.

I frown and her hopeful smile drops. "No, why would I?"

"You could enter with me," she tries again.

"I think I'd rather not."

"But this is our final year! Our last chance to have some fun!" Violet can be persuasive at times.

"We can have fun outside the school."

At this, she rolls her eyes and pushes my shoulder lightly. "You know what I mean." I laugh, my eyes coming alive with light. Only she can make me feel like that. If it had been anyone else, I'd probably just ignore them. That had pretty much been the summary of the day we met, but she quickly managed to penetrate through my emotionless facade.

I shake my head as she sighs, drumming her fingers on the table. I am so immersed in watching the way her fingers move with a constant rhythm that I nearly jump when the double doors to the great hall burst open, admitting the students from Beauxbatons. They stride in uniformly, every movement planned, as they dance toward the front of the hall. Their movements are light and graceful, like that of flowing water. As if to prove this, their fingers expertly manipulate the air into small ripples, creating an invisible, unspoken masterpiece of art right before our eyes. The air goes 'pop!' and they end their little show with a flourishing bow.

"Remind me why I never moved to France with that girl," Violet mutters.

"Because you wouldn't be able survive without me?" I offer as my eyes land on the girl Violet may be referring to. Her round face has matured and her light skin has tanned. Some features, such as her narrow nose and full, pink lips. She's also grown out her hair into loose waves, which suits her height and willowy build. I narrow my eyes and quickly look down when her eyes meet mine. At that very moment, her name clicks into my head.

In Hogwarts, it was impossible not to know the name of that girl back when she still existed in our school. Being in Ravenclaw, it was shameful, even, not to have heard of that single word that carried fame and awe: Genovieve.

A buzz disperses throughout the crowd and our table is the undoubtedly the loudest. Seniors try but fail to discreetly point her out to their juniors. A wolf-whistle from the Gryffindor table quickly ruins all attempts. Heads swivel to follow Genovieve's sharp gaze and the buzzing starts again.

Ivan. He was just as popular as Genovieve, if not more, for his reckless personality. The 'Genovieve drama' heightened his social status when he was rumored to have tried to kiss her in Year Four, shortly before she left for France. To feed the rumors, he pretended to miss her, but soon got caught up in the events of life. It looks like he never forgot her all this while, but Violet says that he's just begging for attention. However, her judgement about him isn't very reliable – she somehow has this strong dislike for him and Genovieve.

Without even a hint of warmth, Genovieve's gaze sweeps past Ivan, much to the disappointment of the crowd.

The Headmistress, Professor Willow, thanks the school as the doors ease open again. This time, to admit the students from Durmstrang.

Using mirrors, they manipulate the light, filling the hall with rainbows. We watch in awe as the rainbows prance like unicorns, circling around our heads like a child's dream come true. Of course, it is all very lovely, but a little too cheery for me. I sink down deeper into my chair, hoping this madness will end soon. The Slytherin table looks annoyed, unlike the Hufflepuff table, where people are giggling as the rainbows fall across their skin.

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