Olivier Renaude - Beauxbatons

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Name: Olivier Renaude

School: Beauxbatons

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Year: 6 (he found a way around the age line)

Subject Specialty: Transfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures

Personality: Olivier is very approachable, friendly, and thoughtful. Both people and animals feel at ease around him. Despite this, many of his classmates don't approach him because they automatically assume he's out of their league. The few close friends he has often call him a ladies' man, which he insists isn't true—he just finds himself making friends of the female gender very easily. He sees the good in everyone and everything, but if his trust in you is broken, it's broken forever.

He has a serious, focused side that comes out when it needs to, such as during class and Quidditch (he's a Keeper). He's very honest, possibly to a fault, as he would rather stand up for what he thinks is right/admit to something and get in trouble than get away scot-free. He's also a perfectionist, which is odd, since he's almost never organized. Although he's normally perceptive, he's completely oblivious to the effects of his looks and any subtle romantic moves.

Appearance: Olivier has golden blonde hair that he absentmindedly musses often. It hangs over his forehead most of the time, but never gets long enough to obstruct his vision. He has milk chocolate-colored eyes, a straight nose, and a dimpled smile. His body is muscular, but not overly—just enough to be clearly fit. He has a confident natural walk, and impeccable posture. He stands at 5'8.

Family/Friends/Background: His mother is a witch (a Hufflepuff) and kept her magic hidden while Olivier was growing up. They moved from England to France when he was eight, so he knows how to speak English and French fluently. His father is a Muggle and was always privy to his wife being a witch.

Olivier grew up in the Muggle world, as his parents were not sure he would have magic. He didn't discover he had magic until he was ten, when he was searching for his soccer cleats and found old tennis shoes. He picked up the shoes and they transfigured into brand new cleats before his eyes. After he told his parents, they moved to the wizarding world and he began to adapt to the wizard way of life. He received his letter, bought his wand (holly and unicorn hair) and a Striped Owl (Talon), and met Aurélie and Julien, who became his best buddies in Beauxbatons.

Aurélie is outgoing, a prankster, and always knows the latest news, while Julien is quiet, studious, and an amazing Beater.

Blood Type: Half-blood

Social Standing: Popular; well-liked

Wattpad Username: romanticeunacorn

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