
38 3 0

My Rubric
I will operate on a mixture of penalty/bonus grading and points out of total grading.

Syntax Errors: (Penalty System) Each mistake will be -0.25 or -0.5 depending on the severity.

Characterization: (Point System) _/3

Plot: (Point System) _/3

Flow: (Point System) _/2

Description: (Point System) _/2

Realism - Meaning that the dialogue/actions seem realistic, not factual realism: (Point System) _/2

Specialties: (Bonus System) These are all the things I couldn't fit into just one rubric, or things that stood out even when included in the rubric. Bonuses are when you have something in the entry that stands out from the rest, like a beautiful piece of figurative language, or a dramatic moment enhanced by sentence structure, or a character defining moment. They will just help the entry's score in any amount that I see fit.

Specialties: (Penalty System)
Penalties are when something negatively stands out from the entry, or something that I cannot include in one rubric. This could be factual realism, a completely static character, or something of that type. These are the opposite of the positive specialties. They will hurt the entry's score in any amount that I see fit.


Things I Do/Do Not Like To See:
Everyone has personal quirks and pet peeves about what is used in writing, or how an entry reads. I am listing mine here, because not everyone will share the same ideas. Feel free to comment if you really adore one of the things that do not like, so that I can make sure not to score you lower for that! Use these however you like, I just want to let you know what some things are that I will be watching for.

Things I Do Like:

Characters: I love good characterization, and any type of quirky, strange, characters are always awesome to read about! Although I know many people didn't it, I think of Holtzmann in the new Ghostbusters. (As a side-note, I don't mean that every character should be exactly like that, but that everyone (and every good character) has their own personal quirks that define their character.)

Different Perspectives: By this I mean more than things like third person and omniscient. I mean interesting perspectives that show thought processes or do out of the box strange things like have the author's point of view. Think Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events. Such perspectives may not be useful here, but feel free to experiment!

Humor and Sarcasm: While it may not have a place in some life or death situations, and certainly not just randomly thrown in, humor and sarcasm are fun to read, so if you want to try to work some in, please do!

Keeping Interest: If a story keeps my attention the entire time, with a driving plot and interesting characters, and I feel like after racing through 2,500 words, I've only been reading for thirty-seconds, you are going to score well. I want that feeling like when you get into a good book, and by the time you look up you've read 200 pages.

Things I Do Not Like:

Not Keeping Interest: Entries chock-full of description are beautiful, but somewhere along the way, I need a good plot or character to keep my interest. If I have to trudge through 2,500 words that just don't flow, or feel to blocky, you may not score well. Like in the positive section, I want the feeling (although neither would be true) that I raced through and read the entry in all of thirty seconds, not two hours.

Melodramatic Moments: I cannot stand when things get overly dramatic, or when there is absolutely no point to the drama. I know that this is a dramatic competition, but there is a limit.


If you have any questions, or disagreements, please comment! Thanks!

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