Chapter 1

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"Really!?" Eric asked.

"Yes. Of course I will be your girlfriend!" I squealed as I hugged him again.

He chuckled at my excitement.

But before we could savour the moment any longer Four barged through the rooftop door, looking for us.

"Max wants to see us again" he alerted. Eric and I just stood there.

"C'mon! Hurry up" Four continued rudely. Could he not see we were trying to have a 'moment'?

Eric looked at me signalling that we should probably see what was going on. I groaned quietly.

"Couldn't have picked a better time? Could you Four?" Eric stated. I could tell he was pretty pissed off. I mean Four and Tris always had time for their 'moments' yet Eric and I couldn't really catch a break.

Four didn't say anything. He just stayed silent.

"I win" Eric bragged to me, puffing his chest out in pride.

We began to walk down the stairs, back into the compound.

"You know just because I didn't say anything doesn't mean you 'win'" Four said.

We began walking down hallways, making our way back to Max's office. I couldn't help but smile. Eric had made me so happy. My mood had completely changed. From angry to elated.

"So how's your girlfriend going Four? Threatened anyone else yet?" I sniggered.

We turned down another hallway that was connected to the hallway of Max's office.

"She did not threaten you. If anyone, you were the threat" he replied.

"Well..." I smirked, even though he couldn't see me. "I don't mind being a threat".

It was at that point Eric looked down at me. As if he was proud of me. Then he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest so he could kiss the top of the head.

We turned down another hallway and soon enough we were back at Max's office. Four opened the door and walked in with Eric and I a step behind him. Tris was already in the office, standing where she stood last time. She gave me a dirty look but I didn't retaliate. Mostly because we were in front of Max.

"What's up?" Eric questioned casually.

"I've assigned the girls a punishment" Max replied. He paused a little before continuing. "Tris... Eliza... You will clean each initiate dorm's bathroom once a day for a week. You start the day after tomorrow" he finished, sitting back in his chair with a wicked smile plastered on his round face.

I groaned and so did Tris. It was bad enough having to clean bathrooms but having to do it with her? That would be tough.

"That's all" Max finished.

We all began to head out when he spoke up again. "Oh, also... girls... You are not permitted to attend the party tonight. As an extra punishment" he clarified.

"What!?" I started up before Eric quickly pulled me out of the office.

"Hey! Lize. Calm down, it's just one party. You can have my apartment for the night, seeing as I know you don't want to be with Tris in the dorm" he kindly offered.

"But he can't do that" I whinged.

Eric chuckled. "Yeah... He can. He could tell you to jump into the Chasm and you would have to do it".

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