Chapter 28

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It had been about one full week since Eric had found out about me and my situation. And, no. We had not patched things up yet. 

He was majorly giving me the 'cold shoulder', acting like a stubborn child when it doesn't get what it wants. He was making me feel helpless and stupid. For it was like I was the only one trying to fix things. 

I hadn't been in the apartment since we fought and I hadn't talked to him since we fought. 

About five days ago I attempted to sit at his table for dinner, along with the guys. But that failed miserably. As soon as I sat down with my food, he stood up with his and walked away, with a blank expression plastered on his face. The guys had asked me what was going on, saying they had noticed Eric wasn't his usual self. But I decided to tell them nothing. 

Four days ago we had to attend a meeting with the other Dauntless leaders. We discussed small matters, about the initiates and how they were going with their training. I had suggested some ideas and every time I did Eric either ignored them or he shut them down. Yet again, making me feel helpless and stupid. I was angry about that. How dare he make me look like an idiot in front of my fellow leaders! 

Two days ago Jem and Kaden had a small get together in their newly bought apartment. Basically all of our 'gang' was invited, which included Eric. But he didn't come. I remember Jem asking me why Eric hadn't come and me telling her that I did not know why. She had also told me that Eric had approached her before the party asking whether I would be there. So, obviously, Eric chose not to attend because of me. 

I hadn't been doing much. A little bit of training and filling out papers. But what I was doing most was missing Eric. But then again, everyday that went by without talking to him I got angrier and angrier

I woke up this morning to the sound of the dorm room door slamming shut. Ugh. I thought. Another miserable day, coming my way. 

But then I had an idea. Instead of sitting around and doing nothing, I thought about getting another piercing or tattoo. Something unique maybe. 

I put on a fitted long sleeve shirt and some ripped jeans, did my makeup then headed down to the shopping area of Dauntless. 

I had decided to get a piercing, seeing as they hurt less compared to a tattoo and they didn't take up so much time getting done. So I walked into the piercing parlour. And what I saw next really wounded me... 

It was Eric. But not just Eric by himself, Eric chatting happily with the same lady who pierced my ears. The lady that had a huge crush on him. 

What hurt me was the fact that it seemed as though Eric was flirting with her, as she flirted with him. He was being charming and sexy and I hated him. 

I awkwardly stood fixed to the ground, watching the two of them. 

Finally they noticed me and they too went quiet. The lady looked at me guiltily.

"I'm here to get another piercing" I began. Suddenly fearing she would be the one to pierce me. "But I don't want you to do it" I finished. 

She looked taken aback, but then she lead me into a private room where I laid eyes on one of my best friends... Amy Raymond. 

"You can take care of her" the lady said to Amy before she walked away, returning to Eric probably. 

"Amy! Oh my gosh!" I said. So happy that she could now 'pierce' people. 

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