Chapter 17

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I'm on a roll!


Eric rushed into the room we were in. He came to a skidding stop, searching for me, looking at each bed. Then his eyes fell on me, sitting up in bed sobbing. He ran to my side and took a hold of my hand, the one without the needle in it. 

His facial expressions ranged from serious to hurt. 

He calmed me down as best he could as he held my hand and with his other pushed my hair back.

"Sshhhh" he said soothingly, over and over. "It's alright, I'm here". 

And as he said this I scooted forward a little and hugged him, my arms draped over his shoulders. Even though it hurt my own shoulder, I didn't care. Because he was here with me. I was still sobbing though, burying my face into the top of one of his shoulders. 

He rubbed my back and continued to calm me down by saying, "Shhh...". 

Eventually I had fully calmed down. I stopped crying and I was taking large breaths. In and out. 

"I remembered. I remember what happened" I said despairingly.

Eric didn't say anything back. He just looked me in the eyes, searching for something. I wasn't sure what.

"Eric. Excuse me Eric" a nurse spoke up, tapping him on his back. "I'm sorry but you have to leave now". 

"No" he said rudely as he looked at her then turned back to caress my tear stained cheek. 

"Mr. Coulter you must leave now" another nurse said sternly. 

Eric stood up angrily and turned to face all of the nurses wearing black. 

"I'm your fucking leader! You do not tell me what to do" Eric raised his voice, waking up Liv. 

"Eric..." I muttered, while I clutched my head.

He turned around noticing the pain he was causing me because of his loudness. Then he stepped forward intimidatingly, making each nurse take a step further away. 

He began to whisper harshly...

"Listen, I have not seen Eliza for two days now and there is no way I will be made to wait around any longer". 

All of the nurses nodded except for one, who was about to talk back but Eric cut her off. 

"You will also let Freddy, Ian, Jamie, Kaden and Edward see each of the girls" he ordered. 

Finally the nurses all backed down. Scared of him. 

He turned around and stalked towards me with large footsteps.

He dragged a chair up to the side of my bed, to the right of me. As he did this I laid back down and noticed the nurses discussing letting in the guys. Discussing Eric's order. I then noticed Liv and Amy were awake, groaning in pain. So a few of the nurses went to help them. 

Eric took my hand. I could see the desperation in his eyes. I knew what he was thinking. 

"Eric, don't worry. I'll be fine" I said hoarsely, I still didn't have much of a voice. 

"No Eliza. You don't understand" he replied frustratedly. 

"Fine. Explain then" I answered. 

He took a deep breath. 

"Eric, what is it?" I pleaded urgently. 

"Ok... Well... You have been out for two days now. The lot of you" he started up. "You were drugged with a mixture of three drugs... Ketamine, Rohypnol and GHB. They are also know as the 'Date Rape Drugs'". 

I took a deep breath. More like a sigh. "So that's why I feel so shit..." 

"Each of you sustained pretty major injuries. You severely tore a ligament in your shoulder, as well as bruising it majorly. Liv has a large gash near her temple where she actually lost a lot of blood. Elise's eye was damaged and it is said she may not be able to see properly ever again, Amy didn't get any air for a long period of time, which has caused some issues, Jem's face will most likely scar and Matisse won't be able to talk for a while as well as not being able to move her neck for a while" he explained.

I just sat there, looking off into the distance. 

By now, Elise had also woken up, crying out in pain. But the pain we were all feeling wasn't just from our injuries. It was also from the drugs apparently. 

I looked back at Eric, who was looking at the needle in my hand. 

"Eric. Seriously. You don't have to worry anymore. It's not like I'm going to die" I said struggling to get any noise out. 

"No, that's just the thing Lize!" he raised his voice a little, looking into my eyes seriously. "There was a sixty percent chance that you would die. Along with the other girls, alright!?

I looked at him shocked. 

"The use of one drug would have been fine. But the fact that they put three into your drinks decreased the chances of your survival" Eric explained again. Then he stopped talking and looked at his feet. I think he was trying to hold in tears. 

"Every time you blacked out I thought you had died... and I had no idea how I would live without you" he then whispered emotionally. 

Before anything else could be said though the rest of the boys walked in. 

All of the girls were awake now. 

Jamie rushed over to Liv. Even though they may not have been a couple yet, he still cared about her. He leant down and kissed her on the forehead straight away. Then he pulled away and planted a soft kiss on her lips. 

Freddy rushed over to Elise, gently cupping her face with his hands, looking at her severe injuries. 

Ian rushed over to Amy, who was now upright in her bed, eating something. Ian sat down, facing her, taking her hands and bombarding her with sincere questions. 

Kaden rushed to Jem who was sitting up with her legs dangling over the side of the bed. Kaden sat down with her, comforting her, for she was crying. Kaden had wrapped his arms around her, letting her rest the side of her head on his shoulder as he whispered into her ear. 

And Edward rushed to Matisse who was still lying down with her neck brace on. He kissed her softly on the lips, trying not to hurt her. 

"What's going to happen now?" I glumly turned to Eric who was looking at me. "Will we ever recover?"

"Yes you will. Eventually. And as to what's going to happen... 

We are going to find those Candor bastards and pay them a visit". 

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