Chapter 26

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A few days had gone by. Nothing much had happened. But that was the unexpected usual at Dauntless. If no one was training or working out, they were mostly lounging about. Most nights there were parties, although not all of them were big. I went to as many as I could but sometimes I was way too tired. Usually Eric didn't mind me going but ever since the 'incident' he was always cautious and would prefer if I didn't. And on top of that, he was always very protective and possessive

Everyone was still in their relationships, nothing had altered in that department. And I constantly had to put up with Freddy and Jamie whining about when they would get to see Elise and Liv again. It was cute though. 

Eventually I began stalking the three initiates; Alex, Morgan (girl) and Rick. And so far I hadn't seen anything suspicious, so that had me at ease. For, I would not know what to do if they showed any signs of divergence. I mean, would I help them secretly or would I hand them to Eric? 

I was down in the Hall having lunch with Jem, Matisse and Amy. I had something to announce and I was so eager to speak but the girls would not stop asking me questions about leadership. 

"So what's it like?"

"What secrets to you know?"

"Tell us everything!"

"We promise not to tell anyone else". 

"Guys, guys. Calm down" I said, "I can't tell". 

"Oh c'mon Lize! We are your best friends" Amy whined, wanting to know everything I knew. 

"I'm sorry Amz, I just can't tell you guys anything yet. It's all top secret" I explained sorrily. 

Amy huffed. 

"Anyway," I began, turning away from her and facing the others. "I have some exciting news that involves one of you". 

Curiousness washed over the girls' faces. 

I smiled wide, showing all of my teeth, letting out a little bit of a squeal. 

"What is it!?" Matisse argued, wanting to know. 

"Ok..." I took a deep breath, I knew how happy this was going to make Jem. "Jem... You have been accepted to take part in training the initiates!" 

She was speechless, she sat there with her mouth open. 

"Whooo, go Jem" Amy congratulated, although I could tell what she had said was forced. 

"Are you serious!?" Jem asked. "Do I really get the job!?"

"Yes!" I replied. "You're going to be working with a guy named Seb. He is only a few years older than us". 

Jem was over the moon. But I could tell that Matisse and Amy weren't too happy. Not because they wanted the job but because they weren't happy with theirs

"I wish I had a job that I actually loved" Matisse spoke, bashing her fist against the table, making a few drops from her drink become airborne. 

"Same here. All I do is work at a stinky piercing parlour" Amy added depressingly. 

"And I am always away, guarding the stupid fence. Nothing ever happens anyway" Matisse continued along the lines of her misery. 

Jem and I looked at the girls sorrowfully. Knowing how much they disliked their jobs. Amy worked non-stop, just cleaning. Because apparently she wasn't qualified enough to actually pierce people. And Matisse was away a lot. She hated it because she always missed us and Edward. Also, she got hardly any sleep when she was out at the fence. 

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