Chapter 10

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. 

But here is the next chapter :')


Work was cut short today because of a 'special announcement' Max was to be making in the Hall. I was guessing it would be about Eric and his new role as leader. 

Jem and I left together, making our way to the Hall. I could most definitely say we were great friends. She was very supportive and she made me laugh all the time. So work was a blast with her. 

"So... I'm guessing you know what this announcement is about?" she slyly questioned as she sent a smirk my way. 

"Well.." I said, revealing I did know what was going on. Jem didn't though. No one knew about Eric becoming leader except, Matisse, Amy, Eric's guys, Max, Tris, Four and myself. 

Before I could say anything else Jem cut me off. "No, no, no, no, no... You don't have to say anything at all. I'm pretty sure I already know what this announcement is about". 

"Oh really?" I questioned while smirking. 

"Well, it's completely obvious" Jem replied. 

"How so?" I questioned again. 

"Have you not noticed how happy Eric has been lately?" she said, as she tried her best to mimic Eric's happiness. 

"Ok, fine. He has been extremely weird. But you never know, that could mean nothing" I replied, trying to lead her away from the fact that Eric was going to be leader. It's nice to be surprised every once in a while. 

"Or it could mean he is going to be the new leader of Dauntless..." Jem pondered with sarcasm. 

I didn't say anything in return. I just smiled as we walked into the quickly filling hall. 

"Ok everybody settle down!" Max yelled, making everyone shut up. 

Eric and the other leaders were standing with him on the balcony. But Max was a step in front of all of them.

As usual, they peered down at us.

"You have all been waiting patiently for me to determine your new leader. And I bring results. But before I announce the name of this leader, I would like to inform all of you that you are to treat this person with respect and obedience. As you have treated me well, you are to do the same with your new leader. Everything is to be finalised through this leader and you all know the punishments if you cannot give heed to the rules..." Max announced before pausing and starting up again. "Now without wasting anymore time, I honour Dauntless' new leader... Eric Coulter!"

The crowd applauded. Most of them being formal with this welcome. But me? No. I hollered and squealed like some maniac. I was so excited for Eric. And I was guessing the boys were too. Zane, Jack, Ian, Freddy, Beast and Gunner were going wild as well. They were shouting so much you could hardly understand them. A few other people got pretty into it but other than that no one seemed to be excited for Eric's rule. A small handful of people even looked un-happy, with angry frowns on their faces. But I guess that was expected, seeing as it was Eric

"There will be a celebratory event held in two days from now. This 'party' will be held for all of the leaders of each faction. For some factions have also changed their leaders. From what we know so far, Amity have changed leaders as well. Anyone is allowed to attend the party, but their will be V.I.P sections for only leaders and guests of their choice to situate in" Max added before he simply turned around and walked away, with Eric and the other leaders behind him. 

The Hall erupted with very loud chatter. 

Later that day I visited Eric in his apartment. I was excited to see him, for I knew he would be in a great mood. But when I walked inside, my eyes fell upon a sorrowful Eric. And the only other time I had seen him like that was after he and I endured his fear landscapes. Because the sim me had fallen and died. 

"Eric... What's wrong?" I uttered confusedly as I walked towards him, slumped on the couch, head down. 

He didn't speak. He didn't even look up at me. 

"Eric, seriously. What's wrong?" I questioned, rather urgently. 

This time he looked up and I saw his eyes. A feeling of pain swept over my body. He was upset and I could see it. I felt for him. I sympathised with him. Even though I had no idea what was going on. 

I sat next to him, holding his hands, frowning. For he wasn't telling me anything. I was still upset for him, of course. But I really wanted to know why he was so 'down in the dumps'. 

"It's Max..." Eric whispered, as if he had hardly any energy to speak. 

And as soon as he uttered this I knew what was going on. Max was gone. He had jumped into the horrendous Chasm. 

"Eric... I... Um... I'm so sorry" I said quietly. I could not sympathise with him, for I had not known Max as well as he did. But I tried my best. 

"After we left the balcony Max left alone, saying he had a few things to deal with" Eric started up, explaining. "At that point I had completely forgotten about him having to leave. I was too elated about the new role as leader. Later I decided to visit Max in his office and he wasn't there. I looked for him, wanting to thank him but I couldn't find him anywhere. Then it hit me. I went straight to the Chasm and already, people were lifting his body out". 

Eric couldn't say anymore. It must've pained him that much. 

"Eric, I really am sorry. I know how close you and Max were" I spoke, giving him a hug he didn't reciprocate. But I didn't care. He was hurting. 

He eventually got up, saying he was going to go for a walk, to calm himself. If that was possible. 

I told him I would wait.

After about half an hour he was back. He looked better but I could see a little bit of pain still left in his eyes. 

"Do you want me to stay the night?" I asked affectionately. 

He didn't say anything, 

he simply nodded. 

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