Chapter 30

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We were on our way to Amity. It had taken Eric basically all night to round up a crew of Dauntless soldiers and we were now ready. We had awoken around seven in the morning and were off in the trucks by eight. 

I was nervous about this mission and how everything would pan out, but I reassured myself with the fact that I would have many friends accompanying me on the way. Friends like Jem, Jamie, Freddy, Beast, Ian, Jack, Gunner, Zane, Edward, Peter, Eric and more. The other Dauntless leaders stayed behind to organise some more Dauntless recruit groups for the upcoming missions, as well as leading the rest of the faction. 

I was sitting in the front of one truck, next to Eric who was driving. We were quickly approaching the Amity grounds, and the more ground we covered the more nervous I became. 

What is going to happen to my family and friends? Are they divergent like me? Will they be found and captured... Taken to the UnderCroft? No. Stop it Eliza, don't think like this. They will all be fine. 

My mind was whirling with thoughts. Thoughts about Liv and Elise, my family and others. 

Eventually we had approached the Amity gates. Our truck was 'in the lead'. The gates were small, made out of wood and closed. But that didn't seem to stop Eric, who had ploughed through the weakly barrier without even having a second thought. 

"Eric!" I said, turning towards him in my seat, astonished. 

"What?" he replied, looking at me with a grin on his face, then turning back to look ahead. 

He was so evil and what he had done was so cruel. Amity would have to make another entrance gate and I was sure that wouldn't be something Liv would want to waste time on. But I couldn't help but laugh a little. Eric was so carefree and he was actually a big show-off. He quickly noticed me laughing, seeming satisfied. 

We were driving down a dirt road that seemed to wind around to Amity's centre. But instead of wasting time Eric drove the truck through another fence, ploughing down some crops in the meantime. I knew Liv would not take this well. 

In fact, I was pretty sure I could spot Liv already. She was dressed in a maroon coloured dress that had a split going down the side and over the top of it she had a bright yellow throw-over robe looking thing. She was helping one of her people load a big crate into the back of a small, rusty truck. 

Our truck had reached the dirt road that connected to the one we were on before. A few more metres and we parked in front of a big two storey building, which I assumed contained offices and Liv and Elise's 'headquarters'. 

I kept my eye on Liv. She had now stood up, peering at the destruction we have caused with our trucks. She did not look happy. The four others trucks had arrived, parking behind us. Many Amity people began to fret and panic, hurrying away from our presence. But not Liv. She walked straight up to us, taking large, powerful steps. 

Eric and I jumped down from the bulky Dauntless truck and everyone began to pile out of the backs of them, holding guns. More Amity people disappeared in fright. But Liv was still approaching us, giving Eric a major death stare. Eric slowly trudged up to her, meeting her just in front of the two storey building. I approached them as well, smiling at Liv, hoping that she would 'forgive' us. But she had her eyes locked with Eric's. Everyone joining us from Dauntless stood a distance away, awaiting orders. Eric smiled evilly at her before speaking up. 

"Just a simple routine check" he began, holding up the device. 

At first I thought he was going to test Liv so I panicked. But then he brought the device back down to his side. He was merely holding it up to her to show her what he meant. 

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