Chapter 24

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I found out everything. Everything they knew. I finally found out the reason as to why Eric had been so tense and stressed. 

But it was so overwhelming, I wasn't sure if I wanted this anymore. 

The meeting had just finished and Titus, Zachariah and Ashley had left the convening rooms, leaving just Eric and I. 

The two of us sat at the table, opposite each other. I was dumbfounded and Eric could most definitely tell. 

There was a rebellion coming. People were preparing for some sort of war. I had come to the senses that this was because of Erudite. Jeanine wanted to over take Abnegation, in the process, killing everyone who belonged to that faction. She simply wanted power and by the looks of it, she was going to get it. Erudite had asked Dauntless to side with them, being their warriors. And, of course, Max, Eric, Titus, Zachariah and Ashley had accepted. Candor wanted no part in it and Amity were apparently siding with Abnegation. But they were not going to fight, for they would stand no chance. But they were going to simply hope that the sense of speech would pull them through safely. Yet still, they didn't stand a chance. 

I was more than dumbfounded now, I was angry... Fuming. 

"So that's it?!" I raised my voice in hopelessness. 

"What's it?" Eric questioned, knowing where this was going. 

"You are just going to let Jeanine make the plans. Because you do know, if this whole rebellion is successful, it won't be Dauntless coming out on top. It will be Erudite" I explained furiously. 

"And we will deal with that when it comes to it" Eric casually replied. 

I looked at him in shock, my mouth wide open. How could he be so stupid?!

"Ok, well then just let me get this straight... You are going to kill a whole faction for basically nothing? We're going to do all of this for absolutely no reward?" I questioned in utter confusion. 

"Two things;" Eric stated, seeming a little pissed off with my attitude, "We are going to help because we also think it would be best to get rid of Abnegation and put someone else in charge, someone with actual brains. And if Jeanine thinks the way to go is to kill everyone in that faction... so be it". 

I went to say more, to cut him off and prove him and Jeanine wrong, but he wouldn't let me. He went on to say more... 

"Secondly; we are doing a lot more in this process. We're killing more than just an entire faction" he revealed. 

I looked at him in horror. 

"This will also be the time where we get rid of every single divergent" he said. My mind whirled into a thunderstorm of worry. 

I took a deep breath. "And how are we going to do that?" 

I thought if I added in the 'we' bit he wouldn't be suspicious. At this moment in time, I needed to show everyone how 'on board' I was with this whole mission. Even if I didn't like the sound of it. 

"Well, actually..." he began, leaning closer to me, hands held together, "Jeanine and her 'crew of experts' have been working on some sort of device, where by using it, you can tell if someone is divergent or not. Or something along those lines". 

"Oh wow" I said, acting as if it was 'cool'. I paused, knowing I did not want to say the next bit... But I had to, I didn't want Eric thinking he made a bad choice as to who would be the fifth leader. "That sounds really awesome. I mean, just as you've said, divergent's are a threat and we need to get rid of them". 

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