Chapter 6

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Later that night Eric and I headed to Max's office. As we walked we said nothing to each other. Eric was still very angry. 

As we walked through the doorway and into Max's office, we noticed he was packing up. He was either throwing stuff into a large bin or into a cardboard box. 

"Ahhh, Eric. Your here" Max said in a somewhat friendly voice. 

Eric said nothing though. He just stared at Max angrily. 

"Listen, I know you are angry with me, for not electing you straight up. But, I really do have an explanation for also putting Four up to the test" Max explained. 

"Oh really?" Eric said rudely. 

"Eric" I whispered, trying to calm him down. 

"Well, go ahead. Explain" Eric demanded, raising his hands up in the air drastically. 

"Ok, I will. But first... I don't think Eliza should be here for this" Max confirmed. 

I looked to Eric in question. Should I listen to Max or not? 

"No. Eliza is my girlfriend, so she is allowed to be around when we speak" Eric said with authority. 

"You seem to forget you aren't leader just yet" Max sniggered. 

"Just tell us what the so called 'explanation' is" Eric sighed. 

"Ok then. It was Tris Prior" Max confessed. 

"What!?" I almost shouted. I was in alarm. I was in shock. 

"Tris asked me if I could at least give Four the chance. But I reminded her of you, Eric" Max persisted as he looked at Eric. 

"Why did you listen to her?" Eric questioned deeply. 

"Because she was right. Four deserved the chance. And after I thought about it long and hard I realised how far he has come and how skilled he really is" Max explained. 

"What, so you think he is more skilled than me?" Eric questioned again, with attitude. 

"I never said that. But running a faction is all about responsibility, organisation and humility. And I think Four would do a great job at it. So that's why I put him up to the test" Max answered. 

"Your lying" I spoke up slyly. 

"Excuse me" Max said. Surprised I had spoken to him like that. 

Eric looked at me with confusion. He obviously believed Max's bull crap. 

"Ok, well you may not be totally lying but... But your not telling us something" I argued. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about" Max said alarmingly. 

"Oh c'mon Max. I may not have known you as long as Eric but I know when someone isn't being themselves... What happened to the tough Max. The Max that expected everyone to obey and understand him. The Max that wouldn't go into a whole lot of detail" I said, referring to all of the detail he had put into his words before. It just wasn't like him. All that humility talk. What bullshit. "Tris didn't just ask you to give Four a chance. Because knowing you, you wouldn't be so easily convinced". 

Max sighed. "Ok all I'm going to say is that Tris didn't come alone. She knew that I didn't have to listen to her so she bought someone I would have to listen to. She convinced this person that Four needed a chance at leadership".

"Wait. Who do you have to listen to? You are the leader of an entire faction" I contemplated. 

"Jeanine Matthews" Eric said in realisation. 

"Yes" Max admitted. "Tris somehow convinced Jeanine of Four's worthiness and Jeanine motioned up a plan. Which would be for me to elect two candidates. One of which would have to be Four".

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. How come you have to listen to Jeanine?" I questioned.

"Ever since Dauntless secretly became Erudite's soldiers" Eric explained. "Oh and you weren't supposed to know that so please keep it a secret". 

"Ok then... Well then how come Jeanine even listened to Tris?" I questioned again.

"I'm guessing, because Jeanine is very close with Tris Prior's family. Tris' parents work with Jeanine a lot of the time" Max explained. 

"This whole situation is still very strange" Eric admitted. 

"Does Four know that Tris put him up to this?" I questioned thoroughly. 

"No" Max said quickly. "Tris was very clear that Four wasn't to know she had set him up for the job". 

"Again. That's very strange" Eric said. 

"Anyway, before you and Four begin to compete for the position I need to know whether you are both up for it" Max said to Eric. "But of course, I already know you want the position. So it's all up to Four. If he decides to go for it then I will be sticking around for longer, so I can assess the circumstances. But if he isn't up for it then Eric, you will become the leader of Dauntless". 

"So it all depends on him" Eric conspired. 

"Yes" Max replied before getting back to packing up his office. 

Eric turned to walk out of the office but Max began to speak again.

"Eric" Max said. Eric turned to look at him. "I just want to let you know, that... If it weren't for Tris and Jeanine... You would already be leader. I was always going to pick you". 

"Thank you Max" Eric said genuinely before he walked out of the office. 

"I've got to talk to Tris" I said angrily. 

"No Lize. You can't. I can't have you getting in trouble again. Just let me handle it" Eric protested. 

"Well, Max will be gone very soon and that leaves no one to get me in trouble" I replied with a sweet grin. Eric just rolled his eyes and laughed. 

We were sitting at a table in the Hall. Not many people were around. 

"How come Erudite need an army of Dauntless soldiers?" I questioned curiously. 

"I can't say" Eric quickly answered. 

"Why not?" I pleaded. 

"I'll fill you in when the time is right" Eric answered. As if trying to brush away the subject. 

"Fine" I said grumpily. "I'm going to go find my friends". 

"Have fun" Eric replied with a mocking grin. I tried to stay serious but I couldn't. He could never keep me mad for long. I ended up giggling as I walked away. 

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