Chapter 13

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There were a lot of people Eric had allowed to attend the V.I.P area. Which was mostly my doing though. Let's just say I had a lot of requests. And I was very persuasive. 

Basically everyone was here. Matisse, Amy, Jem, Em, Christina, Will, Peter, Edward, Kaden, Logan, Beast, Freddy, Ian, Jack, Zane, Gunner and Jamie. As well as a few others I didn't know too well. 

A lot had seemed to happen already. Freddy was flirting majorly with Elise. She seemed to enjoy the company though and Em and Logan were already making out on the dance floor. 

I went to go meet Liv at the bar as she requested, but she was too busy talking to a few people from her faction. So I thought I would leave it for now. I ended up joining everyone on the dance floor. Except Eric. He stood to the side with the other leaders, they seemed to be deep in conversation. So I didn't bother inviting him over. 

I danced with Jamie mostly. We had become really close. Obviously, just as friends. He was so kind and absolutely hilarious. He was dancing so crazily, shaking and ruffing up his dirty blonde hair. I couldn't stop laughing. In fact, I almost forgot about Liv. I turned around and saw her waiting there, an impatient look on her face. But I knew she didn't mean it, she was trying to be funny. 

So I stopped dancing, telling Jamie I had to meet someone. He asked if he could come along and I said 'yes'. Although that may have been a mistake. Especially if Liv wanted to talk to me seriously. 

We headed over to the very elegant and high class bar right near the dance floor. Liv was standing there, leaning against the high bench top. She was looking at Jamie in wonder. Maybe she fancied him. 

"Hey" I said, huffing and puffing a little, from dancing. 

"Hey" she replied. 

"Jamie this is Liv" I said as I turned to face Jamie. "And Liv, this is Jamie" I continued, facing Liv. 

"Hi" they both said in sync. Then they laughed. 

For a while after that they just looked at one another. I could definitely tell they were both attracted to each other. 

"Can I get you a drink?" Jamie then asked, as he pointed towards the bar right behind Liv, walking to stand next to her. "Also congratulations on becoming leader. Your pretty young aren't you?"

"Oooh yes please and thank you" Liv blushed. "Also yeah, I guess I am pretty young for a role this big" she then continued as she turned around facing the bar. 

Yep. This confirmed it. They totally liked each other. I mean Liv had bug eyes for him and Jamie just couldn't stop smiling at her and complimenting her. He had already thrown out compliments like;

"I love your dress. It's gorgeous on you".

"Has anyone told you your eyes are just beautiful?"

It was quite out of the ordinary for a Dauntless to say such lovely compliments. I was quite surprised. 

Eventually they had fully cut me off, so I joined the others back on the dance floor. Liv and Jamie needed some time alone. 

I continued to dance with the girls. For the guys had stood off to the side with Eric, except for Freddy, who was dancing and chatting with Elise, still

Also, for some reason the guys hadn't had a lot to drink. I mean, I hadn't had anything yet but I was definitely planning on it. 

We danced and danced and danced. Mean while, Liv and Jamie continued to talk and talk and talk at the bar for a good thirty minutes or so. As I was dancing I glanced over at Eric to see him with his eyes glued on me, not necessarily on my face though... and this had happened multiple times tonight. But I didn't mind. I just smirked as I continued to dance. 

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