Chapter 4

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The next morning, as soon as I awoke. I went straight to the dorm. 

I wanted to let Jem know that she actually had a chance and I also wanted to let everyone know about my chance at becoming a leader. 

I grabbed Jem, Emma, Matisse and Amy and we all made our way down to the Hall for some breakfast. 

"C'mon guys," I said, as I tried getting them to walk fast. "I have some news to share". 

"Ugh, c'mon Lize. Can't it wait? It's eight in the morning" Matisse exclaimed. 

"No Matisse. It cannot wait" I replied feistily. 

"Then why do we have to go all the way to the Hall just to hear it?" Emma questioned. 

Finally we arrived at the Hall and sat down at a table. The girls just looked at me really sluggishly, waiting for me to speak up. 

I just sat there smiling at them, in excitement. Mostly for Jem though. I knew she would be over the moon to at least be considered. She really wanted this. 

"You can get breakfast first, if you would like" I offered the lot of them. 

But they eagerly begged to hear the news. 

"Ok fine. So... I have some news. I guess there is two parts to it so, I'll start on the part that involves someone here..." I said as I smirked at the last bit. 

"Oooh, who is it?!" Jem asked curiously. 

I laughed a little at the fact that it involved her. "Jem... It's about you" I announced. 

"What!? Really? What about me?" she asked, sounding a little worried. 

"Well" I cheekily said. "I spoke to Eric about you being able to help train the initiates..." I continued, but before I could go on Jem burst into excitement. 

"What!? Are you serious Lize!? You actually did!? You are the best, oh my god, I love you!" she shouted. "What did he say?".

"Well he said he would have to talk to Max and the other leaders but he said they would definitely consider it. So you actually have a chance. But obviously you would have to work alongside Four or Lauren, because they can't let someone who has just come out of initiation train the new initiates. And it won't count as a job, so you will have to keep working elsewhere" I thoroughly explained. 

"Oh my gosh Lize! This is the best, to actually be considered. It's just amazing. Thank you so much!" she squealed, while she came over to my side of the table and hugged me. 

"Haha, no problem" I chuckled. 

"So Lize. What is the other part of this 'news'?" Emma questioned. 

"Well... There is a chance I will become a leader" I announced. No one spoke, their jaws just dropped and they stared at me with wide eyes. 

"Are you serious?" Amy asked. She didn't sound convinced. 

"Yeah I am being totally serious. Eric says that if he takes Max's place as leader, then he will give me the position he has now" I explained. 

"Wait, wait. Max is leaving?" Matisse questioned. 

"Well yeah. Apparently here, once you get to a certain age you can't 'stick around'" I continued to explain. 

"So Max is being forced to leave?" Matisse questioned again, still seeming very surprised. 

"I guess so" I shrugged. "He has the choice of going to Factionless or killing himself... Eric says he will most likely take the, um... the second option". 

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