Chapter 11

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Hi Guys...

Sorry it's been soooooo long since I last posted but my life has been that hectic currently with finishing my last exams and everything else that I couldn't even remember what day it was nevermind where I was upto with Jake and Hayden's story. 

I just want to point out as well I've had a few comments on the Nerd about the way it's wrote and things like that but I just want to remind people that  I do need to re-read it and edit it it's just I've not had the time and I'm guessing that every one would rather have the next chapter of entanglement instead of me spending all my time of editing the Nerd. So my edit's will be done for that book but not just yet. Also, when I finish entanglement I will be re-editing it just not straight away.

Anyway here's what you have all been waiting for finally.


“Hayden” I looked up to my IT teacher who was sat at her desk. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” She asked. I nodded before putting my folder into my bag and walking towards her. “You’re not in a rush or anything are you?” I shook my head before stopping in front of her desk. I’m sure Jake can wait for a couple of minutes for me. She stood up and started to walk out of the room. I followed her down the corridor and towards her office. “Right Hayden I would like to know if you could help me represent our college by helping me teach a small little lesson of what we do at Haywood 6th form”

“Me? Are you sure?”

“You’re the best student I’ve ever had and I think it could help you a lot as well.” She said smiling.

“What would I have to do?”

“Well I’m going to teach students who are considering coming to Haywood 6th form next year and all you’ll have to do is help some of the students who might need help”

“Yeah ok I can do that”

“Right here’s a pack of what I have planned please tell me if you think I’m missing anything out” She said whilst handing me a plastic wallet filled with multicolour pieces of paper. I took it from her whilst looking at the front sheet. It told me the time it will be and which room it will be in as well as the date. “Thank you so much Hayden I really appreciate it” She said.

“I’m looking forward to it” I smiled. She carried on telling me some more things about the day before she needed to go. I walked down the hallway towards Jake’s room with a smile on my face. As I approached it I could see Jake’s classroom door was closed which is strange as he usually leaves it open at the end of the day. I turned the handle on the door and opened it slightly only to see a sight I was never expecting. Jake was stood in front of his desk with Amber stood in front of him and her arms were wrapped around him. She kissed him and I suddenly gasped. I felt as if someone had literally just grabbed my heart, threw it on the floor and started kicking it around as if it was a football. I could feel the choking sort of effect climb up my throat as I usually did when I was going to cry. He looked up at me when he pulled away from her and I just shook my head. I would have said something but I just... couldn’t.

“Hayden” He said but I just turned around and ran straight down the corridor towards the exit door and threw it open. I didn’t know where I was going but I didn’t want to see him. I knew it I just knew that something like this would happen. I ran outside and round the corner towards Haywood High. Scott’s room seemed like a good place for me as that was like my second home in school. I opened the door with the key that Scott had given me, Becki and Jake for whenever we wanted to use the room. I threw my bag onto his desk and walked straight towards my old seat in the back corner of the room, the farthest part of the room from the door. I dragged my chair to the window and just sat there and silently cried. I tried to catch the tears before they could escape but a few tears escaped. I hated this feeling. I hated the feeling that someone I loved so much and trusted had hurt me like this.

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