Chapter 3

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Hi Guys...

Sorry the chapter's late but I hope you enjoy it :)


I pushed the front door open to the college entrance and kept it open for Becki. "I still can't believe that you actually decided to go to this college after what your parents offered you" I said whilst walking down the hallway with Becki at my side.

"I know but I couldn't leave my best friend could I?" she said whilst looking at me which made me laugh. We walked into the college office to ask the receptionist for our schedules.

"So how was your birthday?" Becki asked whilst we was waiting for our timetables.

"It was so romantic... Seriously Becki you should have seen it"

"Jamie told me what he had planned and it sounded so sweet" We had decided to refer to Jake as 'he' just to be on the safe side and to make sure no one knew who we was talking about.

"Here you go" the receptionist handed us our timetables.

"Thank you" we said before turning around and walking towards our first lesson which mine was Business and Becki's was Economics which was only next door.

“He gave me a collage of pictures with us together and some with all the guys in a frame it’s so cute. Also, he bought me a charm bracelet where each charm symbolises something to do with us” I said whilst lifting the bracelet up. I had refused to take it off unless I was obviously having a shower.

"Aww" she replied.

"I can't believe we're actually in college now it's quite scary" I said as we turned right in the hallway.

"I know but just think about it you can see your man throughout the day" Becki said whilst wiggling he eyebrows at me.

"Oh shut up" I said while gently pushing her which made her laugh.

"See you in a bit" she said before turning into her new classroom. I quickly walked down the corridor and straight into my new business class.

Oh before I forget I'll explain to you how this whole college thing works. You see the only local high school for everyone who lives in Haywood is Haywood high and attached to that is also a 6th form. It’s up to the student when they leave Haywood high if they want to carry on studying at Haywood 6th form or if they want to study somewhere else. Obviously I stayed on to study here as well as Becki but Jason left us over the summer. I’ll explain why later on. But the 6th form building is a lot better than the school as it had all been refurbished over the summer so everything inside was clean and freshly painted. It was also a lot more modern now as well.

When I walked into Business I saw that there was a specification on every desk explaining to us the whole outline of the course. As well as that my teacher had to also spend the whole lesson explaining it all to us. I felt like banging my head against the desk, it was so boring. The exact same thing happened in my second lesson, IT. At break all the first year had to go to the sports hall so Mr Green could give his usual welcoming speech to all the new students.

I walked out of the sports hall once break was over and didn’t know exactly where to go. I was free now but I know Becki had a lesson. As I walked down the corridor, which was lined with classrooms on my left and mini offices for the departments on my right, I noticed one office in particular. As I reached it I could hear someone shouting from inside. I knocked on the door but no one answered so I decided to just slowly open it and quickly peek in to see if Jake was in there.

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