Chapter 8

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“Yes we can do an oil change on your car” I answered the customer’s question.

“How much is that exactly?”

“It will be...” I said whilst balancing the phone between my shoulder and ear, looking through sheets of paper that was scattered around the desk, looking for the price change. “£20”

“Right ok could I please book a day for my car then?”

“Of course” As I started to take the customer’s details I heard the door, behind me, open. I turned slightly and saw Jake stood there with a white grease-stained shirt stuck to him and orange overalls where the arms where tied around his waist. He leaned against the doorframe whilst wiping his hands on the grease stained rag. “Thank you and I shall see you tomorrow” I said before ending the call and putting the phone back on the desk, on top of the paper work. I sighed until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

“Is it ok if we go to Holly’s garage when you finish it’s just I need to make sure everything’s working on the car for the middle of the week and see if I need any new parts” Jake whispered in my ear. I could feel his breath gently caress the back on my ear as he spoke. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering around even more. I nodded whilst leaning back gently and placing my head on his shoulder which made me sigh.

After a while Jake turned me around in his arms and threaded his thumbs through the loops in the back of my jeans. I leaned against the counter behind me whilst Jake rested his forehead on mine and looked into my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He whispered.

“Nothing” I said whilst giving him a fake smile.

“Come on you can tell me anything”

“Just...” I shrugged before looking down. “I’ve been thinking about this since last night but... do you think we’ll be able to have a normal relationship” I whispered.

“What do you mean? Of course we can once you leave college or if I leave the college”

“No not that” I said shaking my head. I bit my lip gently before I felt Jake lift my head up gently by using his finger underneath my chin. I slowly looked up into his eyes. “I mean is Travis and Aiden always gonna be there in the background”

“No baby... I’m trying to find a way to get rid of them but it’s not that easy as they’ve been very quiet lately and I’m not sure where Travis lives or anything” I slowly nodded. “Don’t worry about it” He said whilst gently stroking my cheek with his thumb. He leaned down slowly and I meet him halfway.

“You know I quite like that shirt” I muttered after we pulled away without actually thinking about what I had just said.

“Oh really so you like the grease-stained Jake” He said wearing a mix of a smile and a smirk. I couldn’t help but blush whilst smiling back at him.

“Yeah it’s kind of-” Before I could finish the sentence we heard the door open suddenly which made Jake pull away and lean against the counter opposite me. I looked up and watched Alex walk in. I’m so glad someone had opened that door because I was going to tell Jake that he looked hot and no doubt would have regretted it after due to embarrassment.

“Is everything ok guys?” Alex asked as he walked in whilst flicking through some paper attached to a clipboard.

“Yeah I was just asking Hayden if there are any customers who would be coming in last minute” Jake said whilst finding a folder at the side of him suddenly interesting.

“Well I just wanted to tell you Hayden that you can go home now” Alex said whilst highlighting something.

“Seriously?” I asked surprised. “I mean are you sure?” I should at least be working for another hour before we closed the garage and Alex hardly ever let me leave early.

Entanglement (Sequel to The Nerd)Where stories live. Discover now