Chapter 1

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Hi Guys :)

I'm back with the sequel to The Nerd. Sorry it's taken about a month but I've been working on it and coming up with new ideas. Anyway, I know I may sound repetitive but I just wanted to say thank you to everybody who's read The Nerd, commented, voted, fanned and please please please don't forget that it's been entered into the Watty Awards. You have no idea how happy I am that The Nerd has currently 204,956 reads and 234 fans so thank you so much. 

If you haven't seen the trailer yet for Entanglement it's on the side ->

So here's chapter 1 of Entanglement and I hope you enjoy it :)


Have you ever noticed how bright the stars really are at night? I mean when the sky is clear... It's a beautiful sight but not the most beautiful. I can think of a sight that's more amazing to look at.


“I love you too” I whispered to him before pressing my lips against his again. He pulled away and I looked up at him. After a couple of quiet minutes I started to quietly laugh to myself.

"What's so funny?" Jake whispered whilst still holding his hand to my cheek.

"This... I mean this only ever happens in my dreams, not reality. I think I should be waking up any minute now"

"Hayden this isn't a dream trust me" Jake said whilst bringing his hand, that was around my waist, up to hold my other cheek. He pulled me even closer to him, which I didn't think was possible, and then gently pecked my lips. I smiled up at him. “Your look so beautiful” He whispered whilst rubbing his thumb across my cheek bone now and again which I couldn’t help but lean into.

"Do you want to leave now?" I whispered.

"I would but I promised you something and I've only done half of the promise" he reached down and grabbed my mask that was in my hand. He pulled the elastic band of the mask and pulled it over my head and placed it in the right place.

"What's that?" I asked confused.

"To dance with you" I smiled at him when he let me go and pulled his mask on. He gently turned me around, wrapped his arm around my waist and led me towards the gym entrance. I couldn’t help but wrap my arm around his waist as we walked through and saw Scott stood near the door, on his own, looking for something.

"Is everything ok?" I asked him as we made our way over to him. He jumped for a second and held his hand to his chest whilst turning to look at me.

"I was looking for you two" he said. He then looked up and noticed Jake's arm around me. I blushed slightly which made Jake smile and pull me into him even more. "Really? You guys have finally... Thank god for that" he said relieved before pulling me away from Jake and into a hug. "So that means that you’re like my official sister now" Scott said when he released me. I started to laugh to try and cover up my blush.

"Scott" I said.

"Ok ok I should have asked that tomorrow" I reached up and hit his arm which made him and Jake laugh.

"I'm sorry Mr Mac but I promised Miss Smith a dance" Jake said. I felt his arms reach around and slowly hug my waist from behind. He pulled me into him gently which made me smile. I loved the warmth that radiated off of him.

"Of course" Scott said smiling.

Jake released my waist and took hold of my hand. He led me towards the edge of the dance floor, where there wasn’t a lot of people and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me into his chest, gently, which made me wrap my arms around his neck. I placed my head on his shoulder and we started to slowly move to the slow song that was playing at the moment.

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