Chapter 7

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Hi Guys


1. I'm so sorry for not uploading sooner but I've recently just started back college so whenever I've been coming home I've either watched the Paralympics or had a driving lesson so i'm sorry i've not uploaded sooner.

2. I've recently done an interview with BlurryWords so go check that out because there's a little surprise in their for all my fans:

3. Just wanted to say as people might know you can now vote for the special awards and just wanted to remind you guys that I have entered The Nerd in the Most Wanted Big Screen Adaptation category.

4. Finally, I've recently just started a short story called A Wealthy Guy+A Runaway=An unhappy ending so if you have any spare time or want to read something new I guess you could go and check that out. 

Hope you enjoy :)


“What are you doing here?” He hissed whilst standing in front of me slightly. I had never heard Jake talk like this before.

“Aww Jake why are you so angry?”

“Again what are you doing here?”

“I’m the new career advisor has Hayden not told you” She said smiling at him as if nothing was strange about this whole situation. “So you’re the Hayden that Travis has told me about” She looked behind Jake directly at me.

“What’s it to do with you?” I asked.

“Nothing I just wanted to see who this amazing girl was that all the mansion are talking about and also the girl who stole my Jake’s heart”

“Your Jake... no Melissa I’ve never been your Jake nor will I ever” He said. I grabbed his hand when I slowly saw his fists shaking at his side. He automatically calmed down. I looked up to Scott and saw that he was as angry as Jake but he wasn’t shaking. Becki was stood at the side of him with wide eyes not understanding at all who Melissa was.

“Come on Jake don’t be like that” She said.

“Melissa get out... NOW” Jake shouted.

“Jake don’t-”

“Look at the time” Becki said whilst looking at me.

“Yeah look at that I have a class next” Scott said. He quickly looked at Jake who shook his head and walked straight out of the door not even acknowledging Melissa stood in the doorway.

“Come on Hayden” Becki said. I didn’t really want to leave Jake at the moment while he was like this. I ran my hand up and down his forearm slightly before letting go and turning around to pack my things up. When I turned back around I saw that Melissa had left and Jake was sat in his teacher chair with his head in his hands. I walked towards him quickly with my bag in my hand.

“Jake” I whispered. He looked up and his face suddenly softened when he saw me. “Don’t worry about it” I said which he nodded at. I leaned over and kissed his forehead quickly before walking out of the room. I started to walk towards the library with Becki seeing as we were both free now.

“Who’s Melissa?” She asked as we sat down in a quiet corner where no one else was in the library.

“Well...” I said before I started to explain to her who Melissa was and how she was linked to Travis.

Entanglement (Sequel to The Nerd)Where stories live. Discover now