Chapter 6

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Hi Guys...

I know this chapter is early compared to usual but I wanted to ask you guys a question about the watty awards but first of all i'll let you read the chapter first. I hope you enjoy it :)


“How’s Brooke lately?” I asked Jake. At the moment I was sat in his office with Becki waiting for first lesson to start.

“She’s ok but she keeps asking me weird questions” Jake said whilst shuffling pieces of paper around.

“Like what?”

He looked up at me. “Like... Am I going to be an auntie soon?” He said which made my mouth drop and my hand suddenly go to my stomach. What the hell? Becki started to laugh so much that I actually think she was on the floor laughing. “Exactly another one is so she’s definitely my sister now? And when you get married can I be a bridesmaid?” My eyes suddenly widened which made Jake smile. “That is exactly what my reaction was like” He said.

“Where did she get all those ideas from?” I asked which he just replied by shrugging.

“You tell me I have to put up with her coming to my apartment and secretly when I visit my mum and dad with her singing love songs at me to try and tease me about you” I tried to hold my laughter in but I couldn’t anymore and suddenly burst out laughing. “It’s not funny seriously my mum keeps giving her strange looks” he said which made me laugh even more.

“Come on if that was me you would be laughing” I said.

“That’s not the point”

“Oh but it is” I said. Becki was still sat on the couch in the corner laughing that much that when I turned to look at her she looked like she was struggling to breath.

"Anyway can we please change the subject? What times your meeting?" Jake asked as I looked down at the business notes that I had been making before.

"Urm..." I looked down at my watch and felt my eyes widen. "Like 10 seconds" I said whilst throwing my stuff into my bag. I left my coat in Jake's office and nearly ran out of the door. I carried on down the hallway until I came towards the stairs seeing as the careers office was upstairs. I ran up the stairs and arrived at the front of the office door. I knocked on the door in case someone was already in.

"Come in" I heard someone say.

I opened the door and started to walk into the mini office. "I'll be with you in a second" I heard a voice come from the little room in the office. I closed the door behind me and sat down in the chair that was opposite the desk. I noticed a picture on the desk and looked at it. It was a picture of a girl who looked really familiar. Where had I seen her before? It looked like the picture had been taken in a kind of house or a party. Behind her were a few girls and guys but right behind was...

"Oh hi you must be Hayden" I looked up at the women. She only looked like she was in her early 20's with wavy brown hair and luminous green eyes. She was the same girl that I had seen in the supermarket the other night when I had been buying mine and Jake’s tea. She looked like she had just walked off of a catwalk with how she was stood. She was very pretty and looked like any guy would be lucky to have her. Her clothes weren’t exactly too tight for her and she seemed nice but yet that picture gave me a weird vibe to not trust her whether she looked nice or not. I know I’d seen her somewhere else but I couldn’t think where.

"Hi Miss..." I said reaching my hand out to meet hers before she sat down opposite me.

"Samuels" she said. Samuels? As in relation to Amber Samuels I thought. No it can't be she looks to nice to be related to Amber. Although then again she did have a picture of him on her desk. "Well Hayden as you may know I'm new here so I thought I would book appointments with students in the new year to see if they had started to think about their careers yet" she said smiling at me whilst flicking through some papers. "So would you like to go to university?"

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