Chapter 2

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Hi Guys...

Here's Chapter 2 so I hope you enjoy :)


I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and rolled over so the sun wouldn't hit me directly in the eyes. I reached behind me to grab my phone off of the bedside table. When I unlocked it I saw that I had 8 new messages. They were all from the guys wishing me a happy birthday but the most important one I left till last.

Happy birthday baby don't forget I'm taking you out tonight xx

I smiled at Jake's text before texting everyone back with a thank you message. I looked at the date and saw that it was 10th of September. For some reason I actually felt happy about my birthday probably because it wouldn't just be me and my mum celebrating it this year. I clicked the home button and a picture of me and Jake popped up as my background. It had been taken on one of the actual sunny days in summer when we were at Alex's garage. I'm surprise Alex hasn't figured out that something's going on between me and Jake seeing as I now work on a Saturday and Sunday and funnily enough Jake always has to be at the garage on them days, it does help me get through the day though. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and dragged myself towards the top of the stairs. As I walked closer to the kitchen I could hear my mum moving around. I could see her stood at the side of the cooker as I walked towards the island.

"Morning" I smiled.

"Morning" she said as she turned around holding two plates which contained a mini English breakfast. "Happy birthday sweetie" she said whilst placing a plate in front of me.

"Thank you" I started to cut one of the sausages up with a piece of toast. "I like this" I said suddenly.

"The food?"

"No you being home on my birthday" she smiled at me for a while and I could see her eyes were slowly starting to water. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked trying to change the subject quickly.

"It's up to you... What would you like to do?" I shrugged. I don't know what I want to do today but I know where I'm going tonight. Damn... I have to come up with an excuse for tonight.

"Well it's not much but you do have another present." my mum said after I had finished my breakfast. She handed me an envelope which I took whilst looking at her curiously.

"What's this?"

"Open it" I peeled the top of the envelope and found a card. I took it out and there was £60 in the middle of the card.

"Mum this is too much"

She shook her head at me. "It's not, if anything it's not enough but I am going to take you shopping tomorrow for clothes for college."

"Mum" I whined.

"I know you hate shopping but you need more clothes for college... Please let me take you" she said whilst giving me some sort of puppy dog eyes or something. I sighed.

"Fine... so can I go round to Becki's tonight then?"

"Of course are you doing anything special?"

"Probably just films all night really"

"Will you be sleeping?" she asked whilst picking the empty plates up and walking towards the sink.

"I might be I don't know yet"

"Well just text me when you know" she said.

"Ok" I nodded.

“Well I might not be in tonight actually” My mum said.

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