Chapter 4

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Me and Brooke walked towards the bench that was nearby.

“You know I know about you and Jake” I turned to look at her surprised.

“You mean you know that were good friends”

“No I know” She whispered. “I know your Jake’s girlfriend” My mouth suddenly dropped to the floor. How in the world did she know?


Chapter 4

I couldn't help but silently gulp. "How?" I whispered in shock. How did Brooke know? She hasn't told Emily has she? Did anyone else know?

She shrugged "I just kind of guessed I mean you two were always close but I know something's different between you so I just guessed you were dating" she said whilst kicking a stone between her feet on the floor.

"Brooke you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone" I whispered. She turned to look at me smiling until she saw my face. It was probably the fear of us being caught that was shown on my face that made her smile disappear.

"I can't even tell my mum because she'll be really happy about it"

"Nobody sweetie" I said which made her look a bit sad.

"Why?" I sighed I didn't want to tell her too much but I needed to try and explain to her.

"Well me and Jake shouldn't be dating as he's my teacher" I whispered after looking around me to make sure no one overheard even though no one was around.


"No buts Brooke ok... Please don't tell anyone because if so we'll get into trouble and Jake could get arrested." When I said this her eyes started to water a little.

"I don't want you to get into trouble I won't say anything I promise" she said quietly.

"Thank you and don't worry about it" I smiled.

"Does Scott know?" She whispered.

"Yeah sweetie Jake told him"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Urm... I'll let Jake explain that one to you" I said which made her nod and smile at me.

"One raspberry ripple for you" Jake said suddenly handing Brooke an ice cream. "And one 99 for you" Jake said handing me my ice cream.

"Thank you" I said. He sat down on the same side as me of the picnic bench and started to eat his ice cream. Brooke had her head down but I could see her looking at me. She smiled before licking her ice cream which made me shake my head.

"What's wrong with you two?" Jake asked

"Oh nothing" I said turning to look at Jake to see him looking at me suspiciously.

"Ookk... Anyway how has school been?" he asked Brooke.

"It was really good I actually like Year 6. I can't believe I have to look at high schools this year." Brooke said. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Where are you thinking of going?" I asked her.

She shrugged after a while "no doubt Haywood high... Urg I don't want to think about high schools" she said sighing. I smiled and carried on finishing my ice cream. We carried on talking for a while until we had finished. I was walking with Brooke at the moment seeing as Jake had taken our rubbish to the bin.

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