Chapter 2: Liplop

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A known voice calls out to me. It resembles Marco's voice but I wanted to make sure it was him. I tilt my head to the direction of the call. "Uh, yes?"

I guessed right, it was him. He came from running towards me so he pushes his hands unto his knees and bends, breathing throughout. He finally lifts himself up and smiles, "Yeah, sorry about that,"

I giggle, "That's okay. So, why'd you call out to me?" He pauses for a while and gives me an answer, "Just don't easily believe what anyone says. Please, it'll be worth it." He says. I was about to open my mouth to question what he meant but he already left.

I awkwardly turn to Lucas, "Marco Diaz, huh." He smirks. I playfully punches his arm and roll my eyes, "I just met him earlier, Lucas. Stop jumping into conclusions."

He chuckles at my reaction and went straight to the point, "So, who are we looking for?" He asks.

I tap my chin and put the person's imagine on my head, "I'm not sure who she is. I didn't get her name. But, all I know is that she's same as my height, short platinum blonde hair with wavy figures paired with a blue streak, her eyes are blue-well, to be honest she's really pretty and-"

"You've described her too much, Y/N. You can stop now." Lucas cuts me off.

I cross my arms, "Well, I'm sorry for being so descriptive," My eyes continue to search the figure of the person when I spot her hanging out with some people. The other one skates out from their spot though, leaving only the two of them.

"There she is!" I inform Lucas and drag him by my side and went to the spot.

"Hey! Y/N! I'm so glad you made it." The girl says. I don't wanna call her 'girl' so I instantly ask for her name. "Yeah, you got my name, but, umm... I didn't get yours." I say.

"It's Jackie. Jackie Lynn Thomas," She introduces herself and turns her eyes to Lucas while smiling. "And I see you've met Lucas."

"Mhm, I already know him. He's my childhood friend. We, almost, grew up together."

"Really smooth, Silverwood." She teases Lucas as he rolls his eyes. "Y/N, I kinda have my own thing catching up, see you tomorrow!" He says walking away with a smile. "Of course, see ya!" I permit and face Jackie.

"Y/N meet Janna," She introduces me to a girl with dark hair. She seems fine. I consciously wave at her. "Yow, you're that new girl everyone's talking about right?" She asks.

I nod, "I think I'm that new girl." I slightly chuckle. "Well, Blake's already off to the sunset but that's okay, you can meet him whenever." She must be talking about that guy who left earlier.

"That's okay, but why'd you send me here again?" I question. Jackie sits down unto the bleachers and looks at me, "Because you seem like a cool girl that I could be friends with." She simply answers.

Cool? Well, I don't really know about that.

Jackie suddenly hands me a floral-patterned skateboard, "You skate?" I carefully hold on tight on the skateboard's panel, "Um, no not really." I admit.

I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear and smile politely. "Don't worry, I can teach you first thing in the morning tomorrow." She says, putting on her helmet with a click as Janna stood up to leave.

Before they could decide to fly off I reach out to them, "Wait! If I remember correctly, you said not to get close with Marco? How come?" I tilt my head in question.

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