Chris(tmas) Beck- Chris Beck

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(except for one Time Skip (maybe could be two?) and Mark flipping you off, but other than that it's all clean)

Imagine having Christmas with the crew of Ares 3 (and Chris being extremely adorable)
**above is necklace that Chris got you**

"Wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas!" You heard Johanssen yell throughout the spacecraft as you struggled to sit up. You heard a few other groans from your fellow crew members, but in all- you knew you all were excited. Just not at 8 a.m.

"C'mon, Y/L/N! Beck! Lewis! Watney! It's freaking Christmas!" The pitter-patter of Johanssen's light feet spread throughout the craft, making you chuckle to yourself. You stretched your arms and got up, exiting your bunk.

"Five more minutes," you heard Beck grumble from nearby. That made you smile. You two had gotten pretty close since the start of this mission. You had gotten pretty close with the rest of the crew, of course, but you and Chris were, what some would say, "besties." You often used that term around him, referencing him as your "bestie" just to annoy him. But he soon started calling you that, too. And you two officially started to annoy each other- in a friend way, of course.

You walked over to Beck's bunk and pulled back the curtain, revealing a very relaxed, muscular man with a blanket wrapped around his entire being. What a cutie.

"Bestie!" You whisper shouted at him. "C'mon! It's Christmas! And Santa probably came!" You giggled once you finished your last sentence.

"Santa's not real," Beck mumbled, curling up into his blanket even more.

You feigned shock. "What!?" You whisper shouted once again. "What do you mean, Santa's not real?"

Beck let out a groan in response. He turned over and looked at you. "Why must you torment me?" Beck asked with a half smile.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" You heard Johanssen yell from the other side of the craft, making you both laugh extremely hard. Clearly, the crew wasn't up to getting up at 8 a.m. But Johanssen didn't care. That was a characteristic you loved about her, and why she was a great friend to have.

Beck shuffled out of his cocoon and swung his legs over the bed. He yawned and brought his hand through his hair, looking at you with his puppy dog eyes. This is already an amazing Christmas.

***time skip brought to you by Chris Beck getting drunk and giving you a strip tease to Silver Bells***

Finally, the whole crew had arrived in your little couch area where Johanssen had put a paper tree. She had small gifts around the tree, and everyone put theirs under there as well.

"Well? Who's first!?" She asked excitedly.

Watney raised his hand. "Since I was the one stuck on Mars, I think that I should receive the first present," he commented with a witty, sarcastic tone. The crew laughed, including him. Beck leaned over you, just enough for you to get an amazing view of his little, perky butt, and handed Watney a gift.

Watney read the tag aloud. "To: Mark Wahlberg- I mean, Watney. Ha ha, very funny." He read in a sarcastic tone. Everyone laughed at Beck's choice of name-tag words. "From: Your Favorite, Sexy Doctor- Beck.' That's a little self-absorbent, huh Beck?" Once again everyone laughed. Beck smiled to himself and shrugged, a knowing smirk on his face.

Watney opened the gift to reveal a journal with a picture of Mars on it. Watney looked up to Chris with dead eyes. "I didn't know you were going to get stuck on Mars when I bought it, I swear." Beck held his hands up in defense. Watney rolled his eyes while you were laughing so hard that you had to lean on Chris' shoulder.

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