Collect The Bad Habits (3/4)- Bucky

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Part 3 to One Night & One More Time...

Steve parked the car and ran inside the airport. Of course, people recognized him and he was slowed down a great deal than what he intended, but because of his fame he was let through security without any problems.

"Shit," he said as he looked around the gate numbers. He didn't know what flight his friend had ran to.

"Excuse me?" A little boy asked.

Steve looked down at the boy and smiled.

"Are you Captain America?"

Steve giggled and cocked an eyebrow. "Why yes; yes I am," Steve replied.

"You're my hero," the boy exclaimed with a big smile. "And my mom loves you, too!"

Steve smiled. "Your mom wouldn't happen to be with you, would she?"

"I'm right here," a brunette woman said as she walked up to her son. "Oh my!" A look of shock came across her face. "You're-"

"Yes, I am," Steve said hurriedly. "You wouldn't happen to know where the flight to Los Angeles is, would you?"

"Um, I think it's that way," she mumbled and pointed to her left.

"Thank you!" Steve called as he started sprinting in the direction she pointed.

"But wait! Can I have your number!?"


"Bucky?" You questioned. You were shocked. The man who cheated on you is actually here to try and stop you from leaving.

"Y/N," he sighed. "You didn't leave yet."

"How did you know I was here?" You asked while crossing your arms over your chest.

"I, um," he scratched the back of his head, "I used Find My iPhone."

You rolled your eyes and turned forwards so you were facing the line. "You can't stop me from leaving," you mumbled.

"But I can try," he said. His lip began to tremble. "Y/N, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, 'cause sorry fixes you going off and screwing other women," you said with an irritated tone. "Let me just forget about the whole thing and blow you right now," you said with a fake and cocky smirk.

His lip was still trembling and he shook his head. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I've never had a relationship like this before, and I've never met someone like you before-"

"But I've met a lot of men like you before," you chimed in. "It's just that they weren't as good of liars as you are, so I didn't let them get to me."

He was now sobbing and wiping the tears from his eyes with his metal hand. "Y/N, I didn't mean any of it. I would get drunk and forget what I was saying or doing, and it'd just bring me back to the 40's when I wasn't this metal armed freak." He let out a sob. "I wouldn't want you to have to deal with me. I didn't want to accidentally hurt you, so I practiced with-"

"Oh, so you practiced fucking other women so you'd do it right with me? Up until then I was thinking of forgiving you," you snarled.

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