Comfort - Sebastian

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Imagine comforting Sebastian after a stressful day with his "fans"...
(also, my wattpad is broken and every time i click on this imagine it shows the notes i wrote for it at the top)

Sebastian had left the house about an hour and a half ago, and I was expecting him home within the next half hour. He had an interview for a radio show to do and he was on the rocks about it, sort of. I, of course, made him the happiest I could before he left. I kissed the man a million times while he was scrambling to get ready, all the while the two of us were laughing; I interrupted his shower by joining unannounced, but he didn't complain in the slightest bit; I made him a quick sandwich before he left our shared apartment: I did everything and anything I could to make him excited for the show. But the show wasn't what he was even worried for, no... It was his fans.

third pov

"Sebastian! Sebastian!" That's all he could hear as he signed numerous papers and objects being shoved in front of his face while facing flashing lights all around him. Thankfully he was wearing sunglasses although the forecast consisted of clouds blocking out the majority of the sunlight, but he knew better than to go to these kinds of things without them. The interview that he had done wasn't that bad; no, actually it was amazing. It was fun, comedic, entertaining- it was even serious at certain points when he spoke of his childhood. What he dreaded was what came after the interview, but he was used to it. He was afraid of possibly disappointing some of his fans, or his friends as he liked to call them, when he was too tired to stand outside in the humid air for hours while signing whatever they pleased and taking numerous photos with them. He was familiar with the actions of his fans, and typically, normally, his fans made him happy, unstressed, pleased- but today they only made him anxious, stressed, displeased, and numerous other feelings and emotions. Sebastian was happy to see all of his fans at first, he truly was. But soon, his mind got the best of him, along with the screams and lights blaring in his face.

"Sebastian," another man called to him as he waved a poster in front of Sebastian's face. The pair, along with the rest of the crowd, were separated by a metal fence that reached Sebastian's thighs. "Sebastian!"

Sebastian moved around the crowd as best as he could, moving clockwise as he signed whatever he could reach. I can do this, he thought to himself as he kept his jaw set and his mouth a straight line. I love this.

Sebastian was almost at the end of the circular line of people behind the fence when he heard a man call out, "Wow" disapprovingly. "That's just nice."

I'm trying, he thought to himself frantically as he moved faster down the line, missing more and more artworks and posters of himself as he tried desperately to get out of there. From the tone of the man's voice, Sebastian could tell that he had missed whatever he had been trying to get Sebastian to sign. He wanted to go back, but if he did, then he'd be here for hours. If he went back for one person, then he'd have to go back for everyone else's items he had missed. He wanted to please everyone, but he just wanted to go home. He wanted to see Y/n and fall asleep in her arms with his head on her chest as she cuddled him to sleep.

Another notebook got shoved into his face, almost skimming the tip of his nose. He went cross eyed behind his sunglasses as his vision processed what was in front of him, and he almost went blind once again; just as his vision was refocusing, another bright white light flashed directly at him, sending him back into reality while temporarily seeing green and yellow spots behind his shades. He kept his mind blank and his vision unfocused as he signed the notebook before practically leaping to the end of the line of people. Sebastian received many calls and murmurs of disapproval as he skipped over some people, and it burned him from the inside. The comments, gestures, and everything else just burned him alive.

Sebastian Stan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now