Comic Con & The Oscars- Sebastian

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Request by booboodaddyEvan

Imagine meeting Sebastian at Comic Con and then years later taking his advice and making a name for yourself... (also the first half of this takes place shortly after the release of The Winter Soldier)

*side note: your best friend in this is Charlie Puth but he's not famous
*other side note: i hope y'all are ok that you keep having celebrity best friends because it 9/10 times helps the storyline
*side side note: here's Charlie Puth

*side note: your best friend in this is Charlie Puth but he's not famous*other side note: i hope y'all are ok that you keep having celebrity best friends because it 9/10 times helps the storyline *side side note: here's Charlie Puth

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"Charlie!" I yelled, hurriedly applying my makeup in my apartment bathroom.

"Yeah?" Charlie gasped for air as he reached my destination, clearly out of breath from running.

"Can you straighten my hair while I do my makeup? We're running late as it is," I pleaded as I looked at him through the mirror.

"Yeah," he sighed as he picked up the straightener, which was already turned on, and began straightening my hair.

A few minutes later, the two of us sprinted to Charlie's car, which was parked outside of my apartment, and began our race to Comic Con. We were decked out in our Marvel t-shirts and accessories. I guess you could say we were hardcore Marvel fans, but who isn't?

Charlie was most excited about meeting Tom Hiddleston. He was a huge Loki fan, and couldn't wait to ask him a question or two, and absolutely could not wait for him to sign his Loki phone case.

I, on the other hand, was very excited about meeting Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. The two are a dynamic fucking duo. And when we heard that not only were Sebastian and Anthony doing a panel together, but with Tom as well, we knew we had to get tickets to go. It was a necessity.

The drive to Comic Con was shorter than the GPS predicted because of Charlie's speeding. However, we did get pulled over once because we may or may not have been doing 70 in a 55, but all Charlie had to do was flash the officer his contagious smile and told him that I was pregnant. I did my best to make myself look pregnant, honestly. I was holding our bag of Marvel shit over my stomach and clutching it in pain, but the officer looked suspicious. He did let us go, though. He probably knew we were fangirls on our way to Comic Con.

As we were walking in to the building, already past security, I kept repeating my question in my head over and over for the panel in an hour.

I was anxious and shaking while Charlie and I were in line to get our shit signed by Tom Hiddleston. Although I loved Sebastian and Anthony the most, I did start off as a Loki fangirl, but when I saw Sebastian's portrayal of The Winter Soldier, I had officially become a Stangirl. Punny, right?

Charlie was shaking my shoulders as he said, "We're next! We're next!"

I was snapped back into reality when I heard Charlie freaking out while talking to Tom Hiddleston. Charlie was handing Tom his phone case when I noticed Tom flash me a soft smile. I smiled back as he finished signing Charlie's phone case, and I handed him my Loki FunkoPop bobble head. He signed it and exchanged a few words with me before Charlie and I were off to find Anthony Mackie's booth.

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