Friendly Fire- Bucky & Sebastian...

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Request by: Xxooxxooo

Imagine being best friends with Bucky for practically your whole life and being best friends with Sebastian since you enrolled in college and were in all the same classes. (You and Seb are currently in college.) One day, you bring Sebastian to the Avenger's Tower and...

You and Sebastian were currently in the elevator which was taking you up to the main floor. The two of you were making small talk as the elevator went up the very high skyscraper.

Upon reaching the main floor, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. The two of you stepped out of the elevator and you could see Bucky sitting on the couch, whom was turned around so he could see you. He was wearing a smile, but you could see it falter as soon as he saw Sebastian.

"Bucky," you sighed as you jumped over the back of the couch and tackled him in a hug.

"Y/N," he sighed as he bear hugged you. You hadn't seen Bucky in a few months because of college. You texted, called, and Skyped him, of course, but you hadn't been face to face in quite a while.

You pulled away from the hug and said, "Sebastian, you don't have to be shy." You shooed Sebastian over to where you and Bucky were on the couch with a quick motion.

Sebastian smiled and walked around the couch so he could sit by you. You were now in the middle of Bucky and Sebastian.

"Bucky, this is Sebastian. Sebastian, this is James, but everyone calls him Bucky," you said, introducing the two.

"Hi, Bucky," Sebastian said with a smile as he stuck out his hand for Bucky to take.

Bucky took Sebastian's hand with his left hand and said, "Hi."

The three of you sat in awkward silence as the two men were eyeing each other down.

"Well," you sighed as you stood up from the couch. "What would you guys like to do?"

"I'm hungry," Bucky said as he stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. You and Sebastian followed him.

"I think I am, too," Sebastian added as he began searching the cabinets for what he desired.

You observed the two men as they began making themselves various snacks. You began thinking back to when you first went to college. You and Bucky had cried together for a few days before you left. He was more upset than you were, but you both soon became acquainted with communicating only via text, calls, or Skype.

When you had first seen Sebastian, you had thought he looked a lot like Bucky. That was one reason you wanted to get to know him very well, which you did. He was also in almost all of your classes, which was a bonus. The two of you became good friends eventually and you even started living together (in a platonic way, of course).

"Want anything?" Sebastian asked you with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe," you said as you walked over to the two men, who were awkwardly standing next to each other.

You stood on Sebastian's left. Bucky was on Sebastian's right. Bucky's eyes plundered themselves into the side of your skull as you stayed at Sebastian's side as you made yourself a snack.

"Whatcha boys wanna do today?" You asked as you poured yourself a cup of decaf coffee and made a plate of chips and salsa.

"Maybe go to that old theater up the street we used to go to when we were teenagers?" Bucky asked with a small smile.

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