Clubs & Cocktails 2- Sebastian ft. Winston & Anthony

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Read the first part before reading this!!

Warnings: unprotected sex, choking, swearing(?), pure, filthy adultery ;) ok jk it's know i'll just let you find out.

I groaned as I opened my eyes, the bright light from the window temporarily blinding me.

Once I could open my eyes fully without needing to squint, I noticed a figure laying beside me. His arm was draped around my torso, his chest mere inches from my face. I looked further up his figure to see who it was, but I already had a pretty good idea as to who it might be. Unlike most drunks, I typically remember most of my drunk escapades.

Sebastian snuggled himself closer to me while he slept, his chin resting on the top of my head as he pressed my face further into his chest. He was still wearing his dress shirt and pants from last night, and he smelled like alcohol still.

I clutched onto the front of his shirt as I buried myself in his scent, trying my best to savor it before I slid out of his grasp.

I slowly moved away from him and tried not to disturb him as I got off the bed and shuffled around my room. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room to be met with Anthony already in the kitchen, making some pancakes and bacon.

"Good morning, Sunshine," Anthony cooed with a cocky grin.

"Good morning, Goblin," I yawned as I reached into the cabinet for a coffee mug.

"So, how was your night?" Anthony asked with a raised eyebrow.

I smirked at him. "He's just so good with his hands, Anthony," I moaned as I clutched my chest dramatically. "The things he did to me," I sighed, rolling my eyes back.

Anthony rolled his eyes and flipped a pancake. "So, I take it nothing happened?"

"I told you guys last night that I was too fucked up to fuck anyone. So, no. Nothing happened," I said, filling my mug with coffee.

Anthony shook his head and chuckled. "Well, we'll just have to do the same shit tonight and see what happens."

I choked on my coffee. "What?" I raised an eyebrow. "Go partying again?"

"Y/N," Anthony sighed. "Last night was not partying. Last night was just us getting super drunk and laughing over dumb shit."

Another voice chimed in. "Did I just hear that we're going out again?"

"Good morning to you, too, Vanilla Ice," Anthony cooed.

Sebastian smiled lazily and rubbed a hand through his hair. I noticed his tie was out of place and a few of the buttons of his shirt were undone. I must've not noticed that he had unbuttoned his shirt before I passed out and when I woke up because goddamn, he looked good.

"Where's Winston?" Sebastian asked as he walked over to Anthony and I, yawning as he did so.

"In the guest room," Anthony responded.

"Did you sleep on the couch?" I laughed as I took another sip of my coffee.

Anthony rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately, yes. I don't think that Winston and I could exactly fit in the same bed. We're just both too thick," Anthony said with a smirk.

It was Sebastian's turn to laugh. "Are you kidding me?" Sebastian bent his head down as he continued laughing. "More like just Winston is too thick. You're just-"

"Watch it, Romanian," Anthony threatened as he pointed the spatula at Sebastian. "I will spit in your goddamn pancakes."

Sebastian held his hands up in surrender. "I wasn't gonna say anything," he said with a devilish smirk.

Sebastian Stan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now