Where is Carson

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It's been weeks Colin comes and goes but I haven't heard from Carson. I know he has a pack but it hurts my wolf and I to think hw may not want us I mean we aren't even fully mated and neither are Colin and I so we don't really have a connection.

Colin just returned this morning and we decided to go out and hang out at the park.

"So any news from the other man since I've been gone." Colin says with a smirk secretly knowing the answer.

"No" I say tearing up trying hard not to cry. I really don't want to but it hurts.

I know Colin senses my pain because he puts his arm around me. I know we aren't fully mated but we have grown really close and he knows me really well.

"I'm sorry that was a jerk move I didn't mean to make you upset" he says.

"It's ok I just wonder if I ever will."

"You will and why not go to him."

Colin is being strange he doesn't like Carson so why is he wanting me to go see him.

"You don't like him though so why do you want me to go see him." I say staring.

"Well I like you soo I think you should if it'll make you happy."

"Do you think he'll want to see me"

"Who wouldn't." He smiles

I peck him on the lips. He smiles and leans in and we make out on the bench like a couple of hormone filled teenagers.

'Ok honey let's take him to bed now' Avyanna says.

'What no that's unfair to Carson'

'You mean the man who hasn't been here after he said he'd be back and then doesn't call or show up hmmm unfair to take the man who's been here for you to bed okay whatever'

'Shut up will you'

'Nah I like making you uncomfortable'

Colin and I walk back and he prepares to leave again and I pack to go to Carson's.

"Are you going to be ok?" Colin asks tilting my chin up.

"Yes I'll be fine don't worry." I kiss him and we walk out of the house together. We get in our seperate cars and go different ways. I will find out what happened to Carson.

It takes me over an 5 hours to get there and it's dark when I arrive. I pull up to the gate and ring a bell.

"Please state your name and business." Says a nasally female voice on the other end.

"Umm Cameryn Daniels and I'm here to see Carson Winters."

"Sorry Carson isn't taking little fan girls today sweetie."

'Excuse me who does this girl think she's talking to.'

'Hey calm down I'll explain.'

"I'm his mate please open the gate also I'm the alpha of the Bloodstone pack so let me in." I state with a little more force then I mean to.

"Ok do you know how many girls come stating they're his mate...too many. Then I have to deal with them and call security and sweetie a female can't be an alpha."

'Who does this heffer think she's talking to?'


I used a voice I never knew I had before. It was forceful, deep, and angry. I don't know what happened on that other end but next thing I knew I was inside met the lady who was sassing me face to face.

"Listen I don't know who you are to Carson but he said to let you inn but just to let you know he doesn't have a mate and I plan on being it."

'What is this girl STUPID?!?!'

"Sweetie I am his mate and if you take a step-!"

"Cameryn?" The sound of his voice sent shivers up my spine. I turn around and look in his deep blue eyes and feel my knees weaken.

He walks down to me and looks at the secretary freakshow.

"She is my mate and if I ever hear you disrespect her again I'll personally make sure you suffer." I look over and smirk at her. Then I turn back to Carson.

"Can we talk somewhere private?"

"Of course."

He guides me to his bedroom and we stand there in awkward silence for around a minute.

"It's good to see you Cameryn."

"Why haven't I heard from you Carson?"

He sits on his bed and puts his head in his hands.

"It's sorry my dear I haven't called but we've been getting many threats from a Rouge pack in the west. The Dark moon pack. They said I had to leave you alone or they'd kill my whole pack. I threw it aside and began to call you to tell you, but as soon as I dialed the line it transferred me to a voice message with a last warning. Then I hung up and called again then the next day one of my best soldiers turned up dead with a message saying I told you."

Listening to this honestly freaked me out. They've been threatening him, yet I wonder why?

"I-I'm so sorry"

"It's ok I just I didn't want to hurt you but I couldn't reach you without risking my pack. I really do love you."

"Then come back with me."

"Cameryn.... I can't."

"But I need you too." I whisper

He tilts my chin up and looks me in the eyes.

"As soon as this is over I promise to be the best mate and sweep you off your feet."

He kisses me and I get up and leave.

On the car ride home I cry I'm not going to lie I cry. I hardly ever cry but not being able to be with Carson hurts me.

Behind me I notice a strange black car behind me. I brush it off not thinking anything of it but soon it speeds up right on the butt of my car.

'Now normally I don't care about people being up my butt but this feels strange call someone.' Avyanna says.

'Not now'

I pull out my phone and begin to dial the number for everyone in the pack but no one's picking up.

"Crap crap crap." I yell.

'Listen now is not the time to fake curse it's ok let it loose.'

'Seriously not now.'

The car the hits my bumper and my car jumps foward.


"One there you go and two SPEED UP!"

I speed up and so do they. Then they proceed to pull up next to me and ram their car into mine and I fly off the road.

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