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I feel like death yep death is a good word to describe how I feel. When I open my eyes I realize I'm off the road and blood is gushing from...well me.

I pick my head up and everything spins. I immediately think about what happened and can't remember. All I know is that I was going somewhere when....when? Something happened...

'Well yeah something happened I'm pretty sure you didn't just think wow let's go lay in the road after after I injure myself and just free bleed! Get your shit together!' Avyanna yells through my head. The loud noise brings immediate pain.

'Dammit Avyanna! Knock it off!' I yell back which doesn't help the pain, it just makes it worse.

I finally look up and notice my car is no where to be seen. This day just keeps getting better and better! Next is looking for my phone, oh wait here it is SMASHED!!!!

I get up almost falling straight back down as my vision starts to go black. But I hold my ground and start walking looking for a town or market or just payphone. I walk for miles taking short breaks every once in a while. Around an hour later I find a diner and walk in to find a phone.

"OH MY LORD SWEETIE sit down! What happened? Are you alright? GEORGE GET HER A WATER! Ok can I call someone for you?"

As soon as I walk in this lady has already approached me and is bombarding me with questions. Geez lady I just got in here give me a second.

"Yes phone please I need a phone." I say to her and she nods and hurries away. Then the man who I'm is assuming George brings me a water.

When the lady comes back she hands me a phone and then I dial Toby's phone number.

"What's up girl?"

"Toby I need you to come get me."

"Sweetie you're scaring me where are you?"

I take the phone away from my ear and realize that I have no idea where I am.

"Excuse me miss?"

The lady who handed me the phone comes over.

"Yes dear?"

"Where am I?"

"Oh you're in Havershire falls."


"Havershire falls."

I had heard her it's just that I had no idea that I'd been that far away from home.

"Cameryn? Are you still there?" Toby asks me.

"Yes sorry I-I'm in Havershire falls."

"What are you doing all the way over there?"

"I have no idea just come as soon as possible."

"Ok hun I should be there in an hour."

"Ok thank you Toby."

After we hang up I thank the lady for letting me use her phone. She then brings me some food and more water, on the house. I thanked her for her hospitality.

While eating I have this strange feeling that someone is watching me and every once in a while I look around just to see if someone was there. I never catch anyone, but the feeling never leaves me.

The hour passes quickly and I thank the lady again before getting in Toby's car. Toby begins to drive and wastes no time efore he starts asking questions.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"I-I don't know I can't remember and my car is gone stolen but I imagine I was in a wreck of some sort."


"TOBY can you please lower your voice!?"

"Sorry I'm just worried, so they stole your car then let's assume. Was there anything important in there?"

"Normally not so let's not worry about it, it's only steel and bolts anyway." I started to have a strange feeling that maybe there was something in the car that may have been taken something important, but who knows. I try to ignore it as we drive on home.

"Why didn't you call Colin or Carson?"

"Because they would've over reacted and went out on a death spree looking for these people. I'll tell them later I just needed my best friend and a nap." Toby and I laugh for a bit and he tells me to get some sleep.

I sleep until we reach the house and Toby carries me upstairs. I can't even open my eyes but I hear him and someone whisper shouting outside my door. I try to wake up but end up doing the opposite.

I wake up to sunlight blazing through my curtains. Carrie sits in an armchair near my bed blissfully reading a book drinking coffee.

"C-carrie how long have I been sleeping?" I ask her in a raspy voice due to the dryness in my throat.

"Good morning dear and a little over 12 hours." She replies putting her book down and reaching for the phone.

"She's awake please bring her breakfast."

"I'm not hungry." I tell her but she just gives me that look before saying.

"I don't care that you're not hungry you're going to eat." There's no point in arguing with her.

A few pack members bring me up breakfast and by breakfast I mean breakfeast. There were pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, toast, and hash browns.

"Thank you." I say as they leave, Carrie going with them.

I'm still in my yesterday clothes and as I go to stretch I hear a crumple in my back pocket. When I reach in I feel a note and pull it out.

'How did you like our little crash meeting? That's only the first of many injuries to you and others to come. Beware Cameryn don't just think your dreams are dreams. We are everywhere. You're not safe. You never are, we have eyes and ears everywhere. Thanks for the security plans by the way. Who knew you had them in your car.'

No! Shit that's what was is there! How did I forget I had a security meeting yesterday and took the plans so I could go straight after Carson's. What and I going to do? Drawing up a new one will take weeks and what if we don't have that long.

I reach for my phone and dial Rich's phone number. If I want to try to start making a new one I need to start now before it's too late. Who are these people and what do they want with me?

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