Chapter 37

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After our bath, Luca and I got ready for bed. He walked over and pulled the covers back for me and I climbed in. He sat down on the bed next to me and gave me the sweetest kiss. "What was that for?" I asked. He smiled and said "I just wanted you to know that you are the most important thing to me. No matter what comes up in my work, I will always put your first, no matter what." He started to get up and I grabbed his hand and returned the kiss. "What was that for?" he asked repeating my earlier question. "Oh I just wanted you to know that you are the most important thing to me as well. You are my world and I can't imagine you not in it." He pulled me into him and held me for a moment then he held me at arms length and said "I have a surprise for you so don't move, don't get out of bed and I will be right back." He seemed so excited about it I assured him I wouldn't go anywhere.

I left Ari safely tucked into bed and went downstairs to put my plan into motion. Paulo was waiting to help me out with some things when I walked into the kitchen. "I've heated up the soup and I have the ingredients out for the grilled cheese she made the night you left. Also she likes Coke, so there are two cans left in the frig. I will stock some more before I go to bed." "Thanks man" Luca said. "Okay now about the movie...what does she like?" he asked. Paulo laughed "well when we flipped for it the other night, and I won by the way, her choices were James Bond Skyfall and The Transporter. Although I think she really leaned more for James Bond." Paulo and Luca talked a bit more and then Paulo took his leave. Luca loaded up the cart with the soup, sandwiches, Coke, movie and grabbed a small relish tray that was already prepared in the refrigerator and headed toward the elevator.

The door dinged and opened and Luca pushed open the servant's entrance door and headed down the hall to his room and as he got near he heard Ari talking to someone. The door was ajar so he stood there listening. She had it on speaker phone and he heard a woman's voice on the other end, presumably her mother due to the Southern accent he heard. "I love you too mama." Ari said "and I really wish there was someway to get together for Thanksgiving this year I do but I don't know if I can make it happen." "Arienne" the woman began "if there's a way to make it happen you'll figure it out. You always do! Luc sends his love and says to tell you that he's really been enjoying your pictures. He's so proud of you Ari! He tells absolutely everyone about you and brags on you constantly!" her mom finished. "Give Luc an extra big hug for me mom and you take one for yourself. I will let you know about Thanksgiving okay? Don't fret about it. I love you, to infinity and beyond!" The two women said their goodbyes and Luca counted to three and entered the room, pretending he hadn't heard a thing.

"Wow!" said Ari. "What's all this?" Luca smiling broadly and looking adorable with a kitchen towel draped over his shoulder. "Well" he started dramatically "for Madame's dining pleasure I have creamy Basil and Tomato soup, 4 cheese grilled cheese sandwiches, two Cokes, a relish tray and the piece de resistance, authentic New York style cheesecake!" Oh he was really proud of himself. "Uh what's behind your back then?" Ari questioned, not missing a thing. He pulled out the movie from behind his back. "I thought maybe we could watch this while we ate?" Ari got out of bed and walked up to Luca, wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him to her lips and whispered "you are amazing! Thank you!" and she kissed him tenderly. Pulling away from her slightly he breathed "well I might just have to do this again if this is how I get rewarded!" and proceeded to kiss her again.

She helped him set up a little eating area at the foot of the bed, he popped in the movie and they started eating their dinner and watching Skyfall. When Adele came in singing the theme to the movie, Ari joined in and Luca stopped mid bite...who knew she could sing too! She had an amazing voice and she hardly put forth any effort at all. When she was done she noticed Luca had been watching the whole time and she blushed a bright red. "You completely amaze me! You are not only more beautiful than any woman I've ever seen but you are so talented in many other areas. You take my breath away..." he left off. She shone brightly under his compliments and it meant the world to her that he thought her so special. "Alright!" she said clapping "it's movie time!"

"God that was so good!" Ari said excitedly. "What did you think Luca?" "Well" he began "this was my first time seeing this movie." She was shocked. "Ari honey a man in my position just doesn't have time to indulge in going to the movies, etc." She felt kind of hurt as he continued. "But having said that, I am almost 28 years old and I don't plan on being the head of the family all my life. I want to settle down with someone beautiful, sexy, sensitive, caring, thoughtful and did I say beautiful? Who will want to give me children and help me see that there is a fun and exciting side to life, that there is more. Something that I've not been able to experience much since I took over for my father." She was thrilled to hear these words. She took them as words full of promise and a future, with her. "Now" he said peeling off his shirt and revealing delicious abs and low-slung joggers "come get in bed with me.  Now.  I'm in the mood for more dessert". Ari giggled and dove under the covers and let him have his way with her.

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