That's Life Part 3

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McGee's POV-

I struggle to open my eyes as Abby's face becomes more and more distant. She's fading away! I can't let her go! "A-Abby! Abby!" I yell, jolting upright in pain. I feel a sharp pain shoot through my left shoulder and I slowly sink back down onto my heavenly matress. Almost too comfortable, as if someone has doused it in fabric softener and fluffed the pillows every five minutes. As my eyes gradually open, everything is a blur. Ziva is sitting in the corner, staring at Tony across the room who seems to be fighting back tears. I wonder why they aren't speaking to me when I realize that I haven't actually moved yet. Stupid subconcious mind.

I start to sit up and in an instant Ziva is at my side, hugging me and saying "Yay! You woke up!" "Wh-Where-Where is Abby?" I drawl, my mouth feeling as if it were stuffed with cotton. Tony and Ziva exchange a glance, and suddenly I see something move out of the corner of my eye. It's Gibbs, he stands up from his chair and says the dreadful words "In surgery. But don't get your hopes up McGee. She probably isn't going to make it." "Gibbs! She is going to make it! She will!" Ziva scolds him, and I see everyone in the room look at Tony.

I look up to see his eyes overflowing with tears and he says as his voice breaks "I need a minute. Damn allergies are getting me again." He rushes after the room and Ziva follows him. We all exchange a glance and I can see that everyone else is just as confused as I am. None of us get why this is so hard for Tony. He's in love with Ziva, not Abby. I get that they've been friends for a long time but still, I should be the one crying. I mean, I am the one who has been in love with her since I first met her. I start to get up but the nurse rushes to my side and says "No, no, take it easy. We don't want you getting hurt again, now, do we?"

Suddenly, a doctor appears in the doorway. "Is one of you Agent DiNozzo?" he asks. "Here, here! I'm agent DiNozzo!" Tony yells, rushing in through the doorway. "Abby is asking to see you. She is barely concious and will have to go into another procedure in 5 minutes, but she demands that she talk to you or she walks out of the hospital right now." He chuckles. Then we all look around at each other and start to laugh. It's just so Abby. It's such an Abby thing to do. I stare after Tony as he runs out of the room and down the hallway. What is going on with Tony and Abby?

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