That's Life Part 11

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Abby's POV

I've been sitting in this room for who knows how long. It feels like it's been days, but I know it's only been hours. If it had been more than 24 hours, I would be dead. The wounds I have are bleeding at a pretty consistant rate, and I'm gonna bleed to death soon. The floor is muddy and the ceilings are high. It reeks of methamphetamine, blood, and bleach. There is no light. I litterally see nothing. If only I had a flashlight...AHA! I do have a flashlight. I reach into my bra and pull out the mini flashlight/pocket knife that Gibbs said I had to always have on me.

I turn it on and see that I'm in what looks like a medieval dungeon with no bed and straw on the ground. There's a tiny bucket that reeks of urine and a locked door. I step towards it and stumble over my handcuffs, originally long forgotten. I had gotten out of those in the first fve minutes I was in this place. Whatever idiot kidnapped me wasn't smart enough to take the bobbi-pins out of my hair. Like I said, IDIOT. I walk towards the door and flip the flshlight into a knife. I start to jimmy the lock and in about 30 seconds the door creaks open. I step into the hall and see the guard who was supposed to be watching my door napping quietly. I run through the long hall before me. Well, if you could call it running. I'm pretty injured.

I open a big door and see sunlight. A couple other guards are sleeping but one is pacing the grounds. I try to sneak past him but he spots me out of the corner of his eye. He runs towards me and I duck as he lunges. I plunge the knife into his stomach and then just stand there. He twitches for a while and then dies. I collapse to the ground and sob. I just KILLED someone. I don't have time for this. I stand up and grab his gun. I run over to the truck only to see that there are no keys in the car. Yay, hotwiring. I spend about 20 seconds before the truck starts up. I back out of the creepy farmhouse and realize I have no idea where I am. I look up at the sun and decide to go northwest. I drive and drive and drive until blood is all over the seat and steering wheel and then realize I need medical attention. Just in time, I see a sign 'YOU ARE NOW ENTERING WASHINGTON'. I know exaclty where to go now. I pull up to NCIS headqarters 30 minutes later. I rush inside and head straight down to autopsy. "Abigail!" Ducky shouts, a shocked expression on his face. And those are the last words I hear before my heart stops beating.

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