That's Life Part 7

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Abby's POV

My eyes flutter open and I feel cool air against my face. I suddenly become aware that I am no longer in a hospital bed so I look around. I'm in a dark room. I try to sit up but pain shoots through my body. "Ahh!" I yell as my side starts to sting and ache.

"What, what is it Abs?" I hear as Tony abruptly sits up in a chair nearby where I can tell he has been sleeping. His movement makes the automatic lights turn on and he rushes over to my side. "Help me sit up." I tell him. He picks me up and puts me in a chair and I see that I was sleeping in my coffin. Tony follows my eyeline and sees that I'm staring at it.

"Ya, Mcgee, Gibbs and I spent half the night getting that thing out of your apartment and into your office," he chuckles. "Thank you Tony," I say as I extend my arms upwards for a hug. He happliy obliges and after the hug kisses me on the top of my head. "Come on now. We have a surprise for you." Tony says as he wheels my chair into my lab. "Oh, and the doctors wanted you to be in a wheelchair, so you're lucky they let us just put you in an office chair." He adds.

When the doors slide open to my lab I see the most spectacular thing in the world. "Suprise!!" Everyone yells. My lab is decorated in black 'Welcome Back' signs, black balloons, and everyone had a black rose in their hands. They piled them onto my lap as Tony pushed me past everyone. And EVERYONE was there. Jimmy, Breena, Ducky, Vance, Vance's kids, Ziva, McGee, and Gibbs. "McGee!!!" I yell as I throw my arms around him. "Ooowwwww!" I screech as i get a stinging sensation from moving.. Gibbs chuckles. "Bad idea, huh?" I ask him. "Ya Abs, but it's not a bad thing to be happy." Gibbs responds, kissing my cheek. "Hey, wait, what happened to my window?" I ask. It's missing and in it's place is a wall type-thing. "Hah, like we're gonna let you have a window after that incident." Vance said. "But I like my window. Giiiiibbbbssss!" I complain. "Abs, you're not getting that window back. Not until we catch that phsyco. And then we're getting you one-way glass so no one can see in." Gibbs says. "B-but I didn't so anything wrong! This isn't fair!" I say, baffled. "Abby, come on, it's not really that hard to believe. Ari, the bomb, your creepy ex, this new guy, enough people have hurt you with one window. No one else will be able to now." Tony says.

"McGee! Please help me out of this! I need my window!" I turn to McGee, my last hope. "Abby, i'm not helping you out here. I'm sorry, but you're safety means everything to me- ummmm, us." McGee stammers. I pout, but smile slightly on the side at Mcgee's little screw up there. McGee was so adorable, being all in love with me and trying to hide it. I love McGee too, but we're just friends. For now at least. Everyone acts like one day I'm gonna wake up and just fall in love with him, but I think that's unrealistic.

I've slowly been falling in love with Timmy for years now, but I'm just not ready to find the one yet. I'm still young. I haven't experienced all the things I want to experience yet. But I know that one day, if Tim doesn't find anyone else, we're gonna end up together. "Abby, don't worry, we're just taking precautionary measures. No one is getting within 500 feet of you without having a complete FBI background check." Ziva assures me.

"Abby? Ab-Abby!" I hear as Kyle comes running into the room. "Kyle!" I yell as he gives me a huge bear hug. "I was so worried about you! I heard what happened and it's just crazy. I came as fast as I could. At first no one would let me into the building but then Agent Gibbs got me in so I could see you- thanks Agent Gibbs, I really owe you one for that," he says turning to Gibbs and shaking his hand, "And I also brought you presents." He says, handing me a gift basket with a stuffed bear along with a big box of chocolates and some flowers.

"Thank you Kyle, I love it. Now, meet my family. You already know Gibbs, and this is Agent Ziva David." I say. " Nice to meet you." Ziva says, fiercly shaking his hand. "And this is-" I start to say but am cut off by Tony. "Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo," Tony says. "And this is-" I say, but am inturrupted by Kyle. "You must be Agent McGee. Abby has told me so much about you." "Really? Like what?" McGee asks, eyeing me suspiciously. "Ya, well that's a discussion for another time." I say, smiling at McGee.

"Nice to meet you all! Abby has spoken very fondly of all of you!" Kyle says, hugging all of them. As he makes introductions with everyone else, McGee leans down to my ear and whispers, "So, you've been talking about me?" "Well of course Tim, how am I supposed to fill my brother in on all aspects of my life if I leave out one of the most important people in it." I answer.  McGee smiles. "Oh, so I'm one of the most important people in your life?" "Oh Timmy, the MOST important person." I say. "Love you too, Abs." Tim says as he backs away to the table which usually contains evidence but today holds snacks.

I smile at him as Kyle somes over and we begin to talk. "You know, you're lucky he's waiting around for you. You can tell he really does care about you. Why are you making him wait?" Kyle asks, glancing at McGee to make it clear he's talking about him. "Oh Kyle. I'm just not ready for a relationship that will go on forever. I know Tim isn't ready for that either. We're just friends." I say. "I see the way he looks at you. He's ready to find the one. And based on the way you're looking at him, I think you need to stop lying to yourself; you're ready to find the one too." Kyle reponds, wrapping his arms around me. I think about what he just said as he continues on talking about something or other. Could Kyle be right? Could I be ready to start things up again? Could-no. This is something to talk about with Tim. But for now, I am focusing on the present. It only happens once, so I am planning on enjoying every minute.

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