That's Life Part 6

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McGee's POV

"We are mourning our dear friend." Ziva states. "Well why? She is in surgery right now. We were able to stabalize her and she should be able to talk to you all soon. She is requesting someone by the name of Gibbs? She keeps saying his name over and over again in her sleep." The doctor walks out, leaving us all in shock. "We have to go find Gibbs!" I yell as we all rush out the door. "And that nurse! She told us that Abby was dead so we would leave, what if she tries to finish the job?"


*7 hours later*

"G-Gibbs? Are you there?" Abby stammers, as if she's just talking to a wall. I hear GIbbs let out a huge sigh of relief as he says "Ya, Abs, I'm here. What's up?" Abby slowly opens her eyes and beams. "I wanted your face to be the first one I saw when I woke up. So...........What have you guys been up too while I've been....immobile?" I pull Bert out from behind my back and hear Abby squeal. "YAYAYAYAY!" She yells loud enough for the entire warden to hear.

"We caught the nurse who told us you were dead. She wasn't even a real nurse. We believe she's just a hitman and we're gonna get her to tell us who hired her." Tony answers. "Sweet! guys thought I was dead?" Abby questions curiously. "Ya, and McGee cried his eyes out like a baby." Tony responds. "Hey, so did you!" I snap back. "Yes, but I did it with more of a manly musk, McCrybaby." "You both cried like little children, we get it. You're both weak. Whatever. I am just happy Abby is ok!" Ziva says as she gives Abby a huge hug. "My turn!" Tony yells as we all line up to give Abby hugs. When it comes to Gibbs turn, right after mine, he holds on as if he never wants to let go. "Love you Gibbs." Abby whispers as she lets him go. Gibbs chuckles. "Love you too, Abs." Gibbs murmurs as he kisses the top of her head.

"Abby? Abby? Where is......Abby! There you are! Are you ok? What happened? Do you need anything? I brought gifts. I wasn't sure what you would want, like what do you get someone after they're shot? But anyways, I just got you everything. Breena sends her love, we both were really upset when you were shot, well everyone was, and so were we, and even Gibbs cried, but it was only like one tear, and then he got all mad, and McGee was sad too, and Tony like hyperventilated, and Ziva passed out, and Gibbs punched a hole in the wall, and the Director gave everyone time off and-" Palmer blurted as he rushed into the room. "Woah there, autopsy gremlin. Shut up for a second. She can barely sit up, let alone listen to all the crap you're unloading on her." Tony says, cutting Palmer off. Abby just chuckles.

"I missed you too Jimmy!" Abby says as she gives him a hug. "So when can I leave this place? I mean, I know someone wants to kill me and I need to get better and blah blah blah, but I really hate the clothes they're making me wear and the food here tastes TERRIBLE. Plus, Major Mass Spec is probably getting lonely!" Abby exclaims. Gibbs just chuckles. "You can leave whenever you feel like it. The doctor cleared you to leave 2 hours ago. However, you will be staying by my side at all times. And when I'm out in the field or in interrogation, you'll be with McGee and Tony. And there is NO getting out of this." Abby frowns, looking deeply concerned. "What? What is it Abby?" I ask. "Well...Why can't I hang out with Ziva too?" GIbbs smiles. "Becasue Ziva has a hard time looking at you in this state. It makes her upset. Plus, she stabbed your doctor with a scalpel when he entered the room to check your blood levels. He's fine, but no one would be safe. She probably wouldn't even let you go to the bathroom alone." Gibbs states. "Well, Abs, I would be happy to escort you to the bathroom-" Tony starts to say before Gibbs headslaps him. "Let's let Abby get some rest. We can all talk to her when she gets back home." I say as Abby lays down and tries to go to sleep.

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