That's Life Part 9

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Gibbs POV-

I got a call from DiNozzo saying that the door to Abby's lab had been closed and locked. He said he heard sounds of a struggle and then I heard gunshots in the background. I heard DiNozzo break down the door and I heard Abby scream. Then the phone dropped to the ground and more gunshots, more screaming. I ran as fast as I could down the hall but I knew. I knew I was too late.

I open the door to Abby's lab to see McGee lying in a pool of blood, two bullet holes in his stomach. I see DiNozzo's gun and phone lying on the ground, and Abby's Caf-Pow! spilled across the floor. I then hear a slight shuffle and a moan. I run over and open the tiny closet, barely big enough for one person, containing a very unconcious DiNozzo with a sack over his head and a bomb strapped to his chest. I pull the bag off of his head and see blood pouring out of his nose, but other than that he looks fine. "Gibbs, I'll take him, you find Abby." I hear Ziva say as she enters the room. 

Ziva's POV

As Gibbs exits the room I start to work on disabling the bomb. It has a timer set to go off in 30 seconds so I have plenty of time. "Ziva?" Tony says unsurely as he begins to regain conciousness. "Shhhh Tony, I'm here." Me and Tony haven't spoken much since our little make-out session at the hospital. I think we're both a bit embarrased. I cut the cord leading to the trigger and start to untie Tony's hands. "I should've saved her. I-I-I should've saved her," Tony says. "Tony! You couldn't have done anything different!" "Where's McGoo? He looked like-" Tony chokes up, "Like he was dead." I gasp. "Oh my goodness Tony! I don't think the medics are here yet!" We run into the other room just as the medics get there and immediately load McGee onto the gernie and into the ambulance. I almost start to cry except I lost all of my tears as a child, being trained to be a ruthless, stonehearted killer, so I just faint instead.

Tony's POV

I'm staring at McGee when I see Ziva fall out of the corner of my eye. I catch her and almost as soon as she has fallen she regains conciousness and is just laying there, in my arms. I look into her chocolate brown eyes, filled with love and I can't help it. I push my lips against hers, slowly and softly at first, but then the kiss turns from something sweet into something fierce, and we are soon making out hardcore. I sit in a chair and she sits on my lap facing me, pushing her body into mine as we ferociously kiss as if there is no tomorrow when suddenly, her cell rings. She clears her throat and answers it "Officer David, how may I help you? Yes. Ok Gibbs. Alright. No, I'm just cleaning Tony up," She winks, "Be right there." "What?" I half ask/half complain. Then I see the terrified look in her eyes. "Abby's still missing Tony. Gibbs found some of her blood leading to the middle of the road where it looks like there was a getaway car. Based on the amount of blood Ducky presumes she won't make it more than 24 hours, probably less," she says staring into my eyes, her voice starting to break. Her eyes are filled with knowledge beyond her age, battles of years past, and fear of what is to come. I passionatley kiss her and then pull away, smiling the best smile I can muster. She can tell it's fake but she takes my hand and leads me to Gibbs.

He is sitting in the middle of the street, head in his hands, when he looks up at us. His eyes are filled with a fire like a man being burned alive and having to watch as his family is burned as well. Seeing that look in his eyes, I almost break down. My knees suddenly feel too weak to hold me up any longer, but I continue walking, unaware of what I'm doing until I'm standing over him. "Come on boss, we're not gonna find her like that." He looks up at me and I say "We need a leader right now boss. We need Leroy Jethro Gibbs to slap us on the back of the head and make us work 110% harder than humanly possible and remind us that we don't give up until there's absolutely no hope left and even then, we push further. Boss, we've got to find her. And we will find her. But not like this," I extend my hand towards him and he grabs it, pulling himself upwards.

I look into his eyes and watch the wall go back up, watch the stone cold fox take his rightful place. Ziva walks over to us, snapping her phone shut. "That was the doctors. McGee has gone into a coma. No knowing when he'll wake up," she says, suddenly noticing that me and Gibbs still haven't broken eye contact. "We know when he'll wake up. He'll wake up when we find Abby," Gibbs says. I stare into his eyes a little longer until Ziva finally breaks the silence by saying, "Well, we've got to find Abby now!" I then see a movement out of the corner of my eye. It's an iPad, and as I pick it up the screen suddenly lights up. It says, 'EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FRIEND AGAIN?' Then it flashes to a video of Abby, covered in blood in the back of a van with duct tape over her mouth and a gun to her head. "What do you want?" Gibbs asks. Someone rips the tape off of her mouth and I notice Gibbs wince as he sees her pain. "Well, Gibbs, this FREAKING PHSYCOPATH wants 1 million dollars. I don't really think you have to get it, I bet I could take him, but I'm kinda shot so... I don't think that would work," Abby says. I almost chuckle but I can't; she's too beat up. "Stick to the script," an automated voice says. "Ok, you guys gave me like 5 minutes to memorize it, I don't have it like spot on-" she starts to say but stops when a knife is brought up to her head. "Ok, ok, I get it. Blah blah blah, 1 million dollars, the park by Uchich incorperated, but they're probably gonna kill me anyways, so you really don't-" Abby says but then the knife digs deep into her skin next to her temple, making blood gush out. She screams in agony and Gibbs yells "STOP IT! We'll do whatever you want, just please leave her alone!" Abby looks straight into the camera and says "Love you Gibbs" and then the power is cut and the video goes fuzzy.

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