That's Life Part 5

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Ziva's POV

I walk into Abby's room, sleep-deprived and worried. I know the doctor said she would be able to talk to us in a few hours, but what if whoever did this to her is going to strike again? No. I won't let myself do this. Last time I started worrying about Abby she ended up in here. I must think of something else. Like what I'm going to do to the psychopath who hurt her. Suddenly, Abby starts stirring. Tony jolts up from having his head in his forearms while he holds her hand. "Wh-no! Leave-leave him alone! Don't-" *beeeeeeeeppp beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* "What, whats going on Gibbs?" I yell as one of the machines starts to beep frantically. Gibbs looks up and I see panic set in.

"Her-her blood levels, they're dropping. She's loosing a ton of blood. It's almost as if-" Gibbs gets a grave look on his face. "As if the IV is pumping blood OUT of her. At gallons a minute." "NO!" McGee yells and Tony restrains him with a hug. McGee sobs into Tony's jacket and they just stand there until I can't take the beeping anymore or the doctors rushing in, not telling us anything as they wheel Abby out of the room quickly. I am about to loose my mind when Gibbs punches a hole through the wall, not even registering the pain that must be shooting through his hand. "Damn it! He was right underneath our nose and we didn't catch him! What are we missing?"

"Who had access to her machines?" I snap at the nurse. "Anyone with access to her room. "Which is?!" I yell. "Miss, do not raise your voice at me-" "I WILL raise my voice at you if i feel like it, damn it! I can kill you with virtually anything in the world, lady and that needle is looking exceptionally sharp!" I scream. "I'll get you the list!" The woman says apprehensively. I'm about to lurch for her when instead I feel myself wrapped in Tony's arms, restraining yet comforting me. I let myself go as I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Then a new nurse walks into the room. "I'm sorry to inform you, Miss Scuito is... dead...please leave now. We need the room."

We all look at each other in shock. Gibbs storms out of the room. I push myself into Tony and I hear him let out a sob. I look up and stare into his watery eyes. He looks back at me and I ever so slightly stand on my tip-toes and push my lips to his. I feel his soft lips on mine and am suddenly overwhelmed with feelings. This is wrong. We are mourning our best friend. We are both vulnerable. But it feels so right. I push him back against the wall and he grabs my leg and pulls it around his waist. We continue like this until neither of us can breathe so we collapse into chairs, and just in time as McGee walks into the room with tears running down his face. I run over and throw my arms around him. He slowly cries into me as a doctor walks into the room. "Why are you all crying?" He asks, confused. What is going on? I think to myself.

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