His Darling | 6

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I burst out of the room, tears streaming down my face. Xander was facing away and looking straight ahead. I ran to him, sobs escaping my lips. "Xander, Xander." I grabbed his shirt in desperation, realizing how much power he really had over me. "Please, don't kill my parents." I hated that I was crying. I hated showing so much vulnerability. But I was scared beyond my understanding and confused. "Please. I'll do anything. Just don't hurt my parents." I looked into his icy, blue eyes which kept staring into mine with no emotion.

"You've gotta understand," His voice was authoritative but gentle. "I'm not the enemy. But I am the bad guy."

Anger. I felt anger now. "But--"

"You also have to stop breaking everything. You have to stop screaming and you have to stop running."

Roughly wiping away my tears, I was sure my gaze was shooting daggers at him by now. "That's what I'm best at--running. I will always run." I spat.

But the beating of my heart elevated painfully in my chest when he came closer and smiled. "And I will always chase you, Raven."

That was the first time I saw him smile. It was frightening and beautiful. But I stepped back, the rage running through my veins becoming stronger. "Why? Why are you bothering?! Why do you even care?!"

Anger flared up in those blue eyes. "Because I'm supposed to protect you! I'm your guardian angel!"

I opened my mouth. Closed it.

And stared at him.

Then burst out laughing.

He ran his hand through his hair and threw his head back as if he had expected this.

"Guardian angel? C'mon, Xander." I rolled my eyes and turned around to go back to the room, only for him to grab my wrist and turn me around.


He was so close. I could feel as his steady breaths fanned my face. I could see the scar on his cheek.

"What?" My heart was hammering in my chest and I hated it.

"I'm telling the truth,"

"Are you?"

His gaze went down to my lips then quickly back to my eyes. "Yes."

"Show me,"

"No...not yet,"

I stared into his bottomless eyes, then yanked my wrist from his grip. "If anything happens to my parents, I'm going to make your life a living hell." I stormed down the stairs.

He didn't stop me.

As if by instinct, I glanced at the front door to find it ajar.

This was it. This was my opportunity to finally escape.

I ran toward the front door, opening it just enough so that my body could fit, then ran down the small steps.

I stopped, briefly looking at my surroundings.Tall grass. Trees. And a road about two hundred feet or so.

My eyes widened.

As soon I saw the road, I shoot to a run, seeing cars quickly pass by. I began to scream and wave my arms to see if I could get anyone's attention.

"Hey!" I yelled at the car that was passing by, running faster, flailing my arms over the tall grass. "Hey! Help me!" I think they saw me because the car began to slow down. My heart hammered in my ribcage in a frenzy.

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