Chapter 4

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*Anna's POV*

The thought went through my head. I just didn't know. Then Toby came in. My eyes were red. I've never cried so much in my life. 'Whats wrong with me?!" I thought to myself. "Anna... I know some of the fans won't like you. But I promise you, they will." Toby said while kissing my bruised nose.

"Toby. I don't know. I've never gotten this much hate before. I've never gotten this much attention either... I just don't know..." I said. My eyes were getting watery again. "Anna, please don't cry. And please don't leave me. We'll get through this together." I then smiled and nodded.

The bus was finally moving again with no stops. We were heading up north now. Getting close to where I was born. New Jersey! I haven't been there in so long and we'd be there in four days! I was so glad! But right now we are heading to North Carolina.

Toby and I walked out of our room. I got hungry, so I got a butter knife, Nutella, bread, a plate, and a glass of milk. Nutella sandwiches are my favorite! Once I finished my sandwich, I left and took a nap in the bed.

*Toby's POV*

Anna finished her Nutella sandwich and went to bed. I felt so bad. I had no clue what that fan had said to her. I wish I knew who she was. Tomorrow I'm gonna look through my followers tomorrow. I can't stand she even did something like that though. I'm angry and heart broken at the same time.

"Connor. How much longer til the hotel?" "Umm... Hold on.." I started to mess around with my fingers. "Like, 30 minutes. Why?" "Just wanted to know..." I say before drifting off.

>>Toby's Dream<<

I was in the park I always went to. I saw Anna. (This is so cheesy) We ran to each other in a field of flowers. Then  that blonde girl was there. Right before I could get to Anna. I saw her stop. Her eyes getting puffy. I tried to wake up from the dream but I couldn't.

The blond girl wrapped her arms around me. I didn't do anything. The. She just kissed me. I pulled back. I tried looking for Anna, but she was nowhere. Had she left me? I tried to look for her, but then....

>>end of the dream<<

"Tobious!!" I heard an adorable voice say. Then Anna started to jump on me. "Toby-kins!" I couldn't help but laugh. I got up and pulled her into a giant bear hug. "ANNA BANANA!" I yelled. She blushed and had a frown. But I could see that smile starting to break out.

"You know I don't like being call that, Tobious!" She whinnied. "We'll I don't care. I like it." I winked at her. Her face turned bright pink. Then I just couldn't help but kiss her. I gave her the most tender kiss I could, because I knew she was still hurt from what had just happened.

"Are you two love birds done there?!" I heard Riley say. Anna giggled. "Yup!" She said then got off of my lap and went to Riley's side. They got off the bus to get their bags and all. I got up and noticed Anna and Riley. He was carrying her bridal style into the hotel. I was a little worried, but I knew he wouldn't hurt her, since he likes her.

We got four rooms. One for Anna and I, one for Riley and Connor, one for Braiden and Thomas, and one for our driver. The last thin he probably wanted was to be near us. Riley dropped Anna off at our room. Room 210. I had the key. As soon as I got there, I gave her the key. She ran into the room with her stuff and I followed behind her.

"TOBY!! I have an idea!" Anna said with a grin. "Ok. What is it?" I asked as I got closer to her. "Give me... 5 minutes. Kay, Tobious?" She said with a wink. Or a failed wink but it was adorable. "Mm.. Kay." I said trying to imitate her. She just smiled and took her suitcase into the bathroom with her. What could she be doing?

Five minutes later, she walked out. I was stunned. She looked beautiful in a bikini. It was black. It had a little gold heart in the middle on her top and gold ties on the side of her bottom. She smirked. Was I staring at her? Crap!

"Take a picture, Toby-kins. It'll last longer, ya know." She said while kissing my cheek. I couldn't help but blush. "Perfect!" I said. I got my phone out of my pocket and took a picture of her. "Absolutely beautiful." I tell her as I kiss her forehead. I grab my swim trunks an head to the bathroom.

As soon as I finished changing we went to the pool. It was bright and sunny and surprisingly, no on was there. Anna sat by the pool side for a little while, while I swam. I haven't swam in such a long time with tour and everything. Soon I hear a splash.

"TOBIOUS!" I hear a familiar voice say. "ANNA BANANA!" I say back. Anna jumped on my back and I carried her around. She was so adorable. She was the best thing to happen to me. As I put Anna down, we get into a splash fight. "TOBY!! MY HAIR!!" Anna yelled in shock. It was too cute. She wouldn't stop blushing. 

Right in the middle of the fight her phone rang. "Sorry, Toby. I should really get this." She went out of the pool. Dried her hands and face and put a towel around her. I wonder who she was talking to...

*Anna's POV*

"Hey, Anna-boo!" I heard a voice say through the phone. "Jacob? Is that you?!" I asked too happily. "You know it! How is my favorite person in the whole wide world?!" I smiled. I could hear the happiness in his voice.

I sat down on the chair closet to me. "Oh, c'mon, Jacob! Stop it!! You know I hate it when my bestie calls me 'Anna-boo'!" I say as I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry, Anna. I came by your place a little while ago. Mae said you weren't home, so where are ya?"

I didn't know what to say... I guess I might as well tell him the truth. He is my guy bestie. "Well... Umm.. Surprise!" I say weakly. "Anna... Where are you?" I hear his voice get madder. "Well... I'm in North Carolina..." I say worried.

"Anna! You should've told me! I was worried about you! Oh thank god you're ok! So who are you with?" Now I was freaking out! 'WHAT DO I DO?!?!?' I kept on thinking. I really do trust him, I might as well tell him the truth.

"Jac, I'm with Toby McDonough right now... He's in tour an offered me to go with him... I'll be back by the end of July though!" I tried to make things sound better by saying I'd be home in less then a month. Jacob didn't answer me. "Jac?" I asked worried. "Lemme talk to Toby..." Jacob said plainly.

"Ummm.. Ok... Give me a second." I tell Jacob quickly. "Tobious!" I shout. "Someone wants to talk to you!!" I shouted. He got out of the pool and took my iPhone.

*Toby's POV*

"Hello?" I ask into the phone...

A/N: ok guys, I feel so bad I haven't updated in a while!!! I've been caught up in things. So to make up, im gonna try to update twice a week!! maybe even 3 times!!! Haha, you guys must think I'm crazy!! Thanks for the 50 reads!!! It means a lot!!! Can we get to a 100?? I hope haha!!! Please vote and comment and share!! You guys mean so much!!

Meeting Someone New (Toby McDonough/Before You Exit Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now