Chapter 14

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IMPORTANT! Read the author's note at the bottom!! This is for anyone who wants something special! So yeah, read an enjoy!

*Anna's POV*

I land in Georgia. I was so sad I couldn't see Toby.

I got off the plane and headed to baggage claim. Then I notice tons of flashing lights. It's the paparazzi. "Where's Toby?" "Did you two break up?" I heard.

I answered back, not giving away much, but it was he truth mostly, so it was good. I was shocked no one saw the ring, that made me happy.

I got everything I had and saw my three friends come and run up to me. Erica, Hana, and Rachel. They all came up and hugged me.

I just started to cry. I haven't seen them in almost 2 weeks. I know that isn't long, but they mean so much to me. Then the random thought hits my mind. "How did you guys get here?" I asked curiously.

They all smiled. Then Rachel spoke up. "Toby got YOU a driver and everything and he let us tag along." Rachel smiled. "He's a keeper." Erica said whole nudging me. "I still think he has a round face." Hana laughed.

"You better learn how to shut up, Hana." I started. She just laughed. Then we headed to the car. When we got there I almost passed out.

Toby got me a limo! I couldn't believe my eyes! It was amazing! It was just perfect inside. As soon as everyone got in and buckled up, we left.

Before You Exit was blasting through the car. I was signing along, Erica was enjoying the songs, and Rachel and Hana looked annoyed. I couldn't help but laugh.


We pulled into my driveway. I found out my girls are gonna spend the night. I quickly grabbed my bags from the back and thanked our driver.

I opened the door. It was dark in the house... Very suspicious. Then all of a sudden the lights go on and I hear a loud "Surprise!"

When I heard that one voice threw me off. It was an accent... I looked around. I took a quick look at my friends, then I noticed who it was.

NIALL JAMES HORAN! (I promise this is still gonna be a Toby fan fic, it's just idk. I need... Something) He came over towards me. "Hey, love." He says as he hugged me.

It felt nice, but nothing compared to Toby's hug. I completely forgot that Ne Direction got a day off in Atlanta.

*Niall's POV*

When I saw Anna, she was wet pretty. I could understand how Toby, Cody, and Justin like her. Plus she seems really nice.

"So, would you like to go shopping, love?" I asked taking her hand. She got nervous. 'Too much?' I thought. "Umm, sure!" She smiled. With that, we took Paul's black little mini van to Lennox Mall.


Soon enough, Anna and I got to the mall. It was very nice. I took her hand and she got red. What a cutie!

We went to almost every store, and being the lad I am, I payed. For everything. Then Anna hugged me. "Thanks, Niall." She smiled.

I saw lots of fans, but I was surprised none of them was being... a fangirl. We got some food, then left.

*Toby's POV*

"What was that?!" I yelled. "Traffic!" He yelled. Thank god.

Soon, I got tons of twitter notifications. I just ignored them and turned on the TV. And I saw... Anna?!

The reporter said "Anna Peters, was last seen in her hometown with the famous Niall Horan from One Direction, as seen. But the question is, what happened to Toby?"

I almost burst into tears. Then I got a call. It was Anna... What do I do?

A/N: I know. Short, but I'm gonna make longer ones. Anyways for the news!! For every time someone comments, I will make an imagine for them. I'm starting an imagine book soon so yeah! And I'll be updating ASAP! I promise! Please vote, comment and share! You guys mean the world to me!! ily!


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