Meeting My Love

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*Anna's POV* 

"You know what?! You can have the tickets, Anna!" I heard the radio man say. "Oh my gosh! Thank you so much, sir!" I said screaming into the radio. I didn't really care about Cody though. I used to like him. It WAS a dream to meet him, might as well come soon. I continued to talk to the radio person. As soon as he hung up, I sprinted towards my parents and told them the news. "Congrats, Anna. But I'm not taking you." My dad kidded.


I met Cody already and got a picture with him. He was okay, I guess. Different than he was before. It was sad... But I still got a picture with his brother and autographs. It was cool I guess since it was for free. I went out to the mall next door since the doors opened at 6:30 pm. I got lunch and went around the store to look for something that Ryan Beatty could sign, but there was nothing. So after that my dad took me back to the stadium where the concert was. When I got in, I bought Ryan's CD. Then I saw this large group of girls around. So I went an saw three VERY cute guys. So I shoved through the crowd. I was next to get a picture with the so called band, Before You Exit. I stood right in between to guys by the names of Toby and Connor. I saw Toby and I felt my face heat up. I never felt this way about anyone before. I just stood there and smiled. I had a real quick chat with them. Then as I was talking to the guy with black hair named Riley, Connor tapped my shoulder. I saw Toby again and blushed. Then he saw me. I smiled and looked at Connor.

*Toby's POV* 

This girl I saw. She has the most beautiful dark brown hair. The most amazing olive skin. And the biggest brown eyes. Now, I usually don't like girls that had braces but something about her was different. What was it? I wish I knew. When I saw she wanted to stand by me, I put on a huge smile. Connor looked at me. He saw me blush. I've never blushed around my brothers. When Connor saw he just winked. So after our body guard took the photo, we all had a chat. The girl said her name was Anna, so then we all introduced ourselves. I decided to be nice, so I shook her hand. They were as soft as silk. Just amazing. So Anna decided to talk to Riley. So I talked to Connor. "Connor?" I say shyly. "Yes, Mr. I-Like-Someone-I-Don't-Know?" Connor said while winking. "Shut up!" I spat. "Listen," I continued. "I really like her." I blushed and looked back at her. "Dude, ask her out then!" Conner said. "But... I'm just... I can't." I said shyly. So then Connor left and tapped Anna's shoulder.

*Connor's POV*  

"It's cute how Toby likes this girl" I thought to myself. I walked over towards Anna and tapped her shoulder. "Yes, Connor?" She said shaking. "Ok listen Anna. My brother Toby likes you." I saw her blush as soon as I said that. "I... I.." Anna started. "I like him too... Like.. A lot." I smiled. "Good." I gave Anna the sharpie in my hand and she wrote her number on a napkin she had. Thank god it was a clean one. Then she left. She was cute. I'm not saying I'd date her. But she was cute. Anna and Toby would make a real cute couple. I haven't seen Toby this happy about a girl. Like ever.

*Toby's POV* 

As soon as she finished talking to Connor, she left. I was so sad. So then I decided to tell our guard to leave. I didn't want to be without her. I don't know what's gotten into me. But, damn! She is hot! She seems really nice. I wish I could stay with her. Once we left, we were behind the curtains. 2 minutes until show time. I was looking for Anna. No where in sight. She must've been in the back. I frowned as I went back so no one could see me. "What's wrong?" Riley asked. "Nothing" I replied. "Ok. I hope I can see that Anna girl. She's hot." Riley said with a smirk. "Oh. Yeah. She's pretty cute." I lied. I couldn't let him know how I felt about her. But I wanted to be with her. Riley is a nice guy, but he wouldn't love her half as much as I do. Haha. That reminds me of our song "Settle for Less." Well, the fans are countin down that only means one thing.

*Anna's POV* 

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1!!!" Every girl screamed. I turned around to look back at my dad. Poor him. Left with his ears covered with his hands. I saw Toby and blushed. Yes. I knew I loved him. And that he was probably two years older than me. But... Young love is the best. If it ends, I'll get over it quicker. The music quickly ended my thoughts. Then the concert continued. I swayed back and fourth and screamed to all their songs. Sadly, it ended quickly with their song called "I Like That." They said they'd be out signing things, so I quickly ran out as soon as "I Like That" ended. I bought their CD since I'm close to bring broke. I would've gotten a shirt, but $20?! Really?! Oh well, cheaper than my Hollister shirt I was wearing. Soon I saw Toby come up. I ran towards him and held out the CD. "Well, looks like someone's happy to see us." Connor said while smirking. I knew what he was thinking. Me wanting to be with Toby. And I don't blame him. It's true, can't blame him for being right so I just smiled. "Hi, Toby." I said quietly. "Hey, Anna." He said with a smile. Oh gosh. He was so cute. His smile and everything. He was perfect. "Can I wear you're cap?" I said a little too fast. Damn! What was wrong with me?! He smirked. "Of course!" He said. I was stunned. He places the black SnapBack with his initials on my head. I quickly got out my iPhone. "Wanna get in the pic?" I said. "Love to!" Toby said. This time I could tell he blushed. I just smiled like a retard. I got out the camera app. Toby put his arms around my waist. As he did that, I heard Ryan start to sing. "Oh well!" I thought. I was with the person I love. I then put my hand above his head giving him bunny ears and he did the cutest face. I loved him so much. I said thanks. And gave the boys to sign my CD. Then Riley asked to see my phone, so I let him. Connor was looking at me to get towards Toby. Geez! He is like my friend Erica! Haha! Before I knew it, Connor pushed me into Toby. "Sorry. Connor pushed me." I said. My face towards the ground. I was nervous. I grabbed the SnapBack and handed back to Toby. He tilted my chin up so he could see my face. He pushed the SnapBack back towards me. "Keep it. I have plenty." He said with a smirk. I smiled and grabbed my stuff. I knew my dad would get mad if I didn't show up soon. I sprinted back to my seat and yelled thanks. Toby yelled bye. I just love him. So much. When I got out there Ryan was already over with, so I went out again. No sign of them. Then all of a sudden, something grabs me by the waist.

A/N: cliff hanger! Haha! Well this is my first BYE fic. Tell me how you like it! And this story is mostly true about my life. Like the beginning part... Yes Before You Exit has my number, but I haven't been contacted :( Oh well! They might! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment! 

~ Anna💋💋❌⭕❌⭕

Meeting Someone New (Toby McDonough/Before You Exit Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now