Story 23

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A Scrummy Giraffe Brandishing a Pair of Water Pistols Ate My Homework

Dear Mrs Black,

Have I told you lately how much I love your beautiful feet?

I am writing to you to ask for an extension on my report. As you know, I've always had a very slippery attitude towards deadlines. However, something unexpected happened.

My bessie and I were in my lounge enjoying some moist sprouts when a scrummy giraffe came barging in brandishing a pair of water pistols.

It looked at me with mild eyes. I stared at its chewy liver. When it started poking, I knew it meant business.

I made a dive for my report but the scrummy giraffe decided to bash my nose and then run off flying. I was taken aback.

So shocked was I, that I didn't realise that the scrummy giraffe had grabbed my report until much later.

That evening, I was swinging with my ex girlfriend when I suddenly noticed that my report was missing. I searched high and low, I even looked in the store cupboard.

Eventually, I reached the obvious conclusion - the scrummy giraffe had taken my report to feed to its lifeless mum.

Thank you or being understanding and allowing me more time to complete my lifeless report.


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