Chapter 1:In the Underworld

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Emma wakes up on her back with her parents standing over her looking concerned.

"What happened?" Emma asked rubbing her head

"We traveled to the underworld and you were put to sleep during the journey. We aren't sure why you were and we weren't but that's how it happened." Snow replies.

"We are in the Underworld?" Emma asks

"Yes." Snow replies

"Killian!" Emma yells about to jump out of the boat to go find him.

Her mom grabs her arm.

"Emma wait. We don't know what's dangers are down here.we need to come up with a plan first . Calm down" Snow says.

"I don't need a plan.I need to go now and I need to find Killian!" Emma says back.

"You should listen to your mother miss swan." Rumple pipes in.

"You've been down here before.Tell me where you came through." Emma says

"Not yet." Rumple says.

"Why?" Emma demands

"Because we aren't sure what condition hook will be in when we find him.Heck,for all we know on sight he will try to kill us." Rumple says

"Patience Swan." Regina says

"Don't call me that!" Emma yells at her.

Before anyone can do anything else Emma gets out and starts to run determined to find Killian.

"Swan wait!" Regina yells

Emma ignores her but then starts to notice how familiar her surroundings become. She looks and sees Granny's to the left of her and further down the road she sees Golds. She slows now really confused and the others catch up to her.

"How is this possible?" Emma asks.

"Hell is meant to torture the soul.So whatever you miss will appear in front of you.In this case broken storybrooke.Also there isn't easy passage out so this is our reality for now." Rumple replies

"Great." Regina says

They explore a little bit longer and start to realize everything they remember is here.except the clock tower is down. They find Emma's bug with missing tires and burnt roof.

"Guess we won't be driving." Emma says.

The more they walk around the more antsy Emma becomes because she just wants to see Killian safe with her again.

"Alright. Enough of this. "Emma says stopping causing everyone else to stop too.

"When you died where's the first place you went, Gold?" Emma asks continuing.

"I went unconscious then when I came to,I was in a cold, dark, room strapped to a table surrounded by men in black hoods. They approached me with sharp tools and got to work. They cut into anywhere on my body that was exposed. I screamed and tried to wiggle free but no matter what I did they found a way to cut. I screamed out who are you and they removed their hoods to reveal guys I had done wrong to. They laughed and enjoyed every minute of it. After that-" rumple explains.

"hold up. They just did this to you, no questions? Shouldn't there be a trial or something?" Regina asks

"There is a trial. But I don't remember mine. You see Souls go through a process before entering the underworld. They first face Hades then-" rumple begins

"Wait. Hades is real?"Emma asks.

"Yes. After they face him he decides what their punishment is. There's nine levels If they were good they get sent here to Level 1the most peaceful level of the underworld. Those who are bad he may decide torture their soul before sending them down to the lower levels." Rumple says.

"So Hook-" Emma starts horrified about the possibility Killian could be being hurt more at this moment.

"Could be facing his trial, yes. We didn't have to face the trial because we didn't pass through dead." Rumple says

"What are these levels?" Regina asks.

"It's purgatory which is pretrial. Then level 1 which is this, peaceful but sad. Level 2 you are dealing with an eternal hurricane. Level 3 cold and rain eternally. Level 4 the rolling weights is used to torture you. Level 5 you are dealing with the river Styx and being eternally hungry. Level 6 is fields of distress and torment. Level 7 you get stuck in a maze being shot at by minotaurs for all enternity. Level 8 you are infected by disease and can never stop itching. Level 9 the most horrible level dealing with the monster himself, you are frozen with your eyes and mouth shut. Level 9 is for those who betrayed their family, and country." Rumple says.

Rumple looks over at Emma and can see she is getting stressed out by the moment.

"Which level were you in?" Regina asks

"After my torture I was sent to level 8." Rumple replies.

"So how did you escape?" Regina asks

"Pity. I honestly don't remember. All I do remember is blacking out during torture. Then waking up tied down in my shop with my father standing over me." Rumple replies

"Oh." Is all Regina says.

"So what do we do now?"Emma asks now completely distracted by the fact Killian could be getting hurt this very moment.

"Now we find him." Regina replies

"How?" Snow asks

" well, we can either search all over town for him or take my short cut." Rumple replies

"Which is what?" Regina asks.

"Follow me." Is all rumple replies with.

They follow rumple until they reach a graveyard.

"What are we doing here?" Snow asks.

"Finding the Pirates grave." Rumple says

"Why?" Snow asks

"Because down here graves are like tracking systems, when someone is awake and moving around their name shows up on their grave." Rumple replies

"That's odd." Charming says

"It is but I don't make the rules.........ah, here we are." Rumple says stopping in front of a small rounded grave.

Emma looks at it closely but it doesn't say Killian Jones anywhere which weirdly makes her heart drop.

" how do you know?" Emma asks already knowing but fearing the answer.

"Only one without a name, miss Swan." Rumple replies

"Great! So now what? Do we just wait for his name to magically appear?" Regina asks throwing her hands in the air.

Rumple is just about to reply when suddenly Emma throws her hands to her head and falls to the ground groaning in pain

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