Chapter 7:Dad!

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   For a few minutes they just sit there, enjoying being back in the presence of one another. After awhile Hook decided that while he could easily sit there all day and talk with Emma, he really wanted to see the rest of the family so Emma helped him to his feet and they walked out of the bedroom. When they got to the bottom they were greeted by Snow and Charming.

It surprises Killian when both Snow and Charming embrace him in a hug. Both of them tell him they are relieved that he is back with them somewhat safe. Killian believes it coming from Snow but a part of him feels like David is more happy with  his daughter being no longer in tears. Which he doesn't mind because that's how he would want to see Emma too. After they do their rendezvous Regina and Robin approach them.

"Nice to see you again, mate" robin says

"Hey welcome back to the living, Captain guy liner. We'll sort of." Regina says smiling then giving him an awkward hug.

Hook smiles and looks over at Emma who stands along the side, smiling. When Regina and Robin are done giving their hugs, they all proceed to stand in a circle and talk. Suddenly as they stand there, Henry burst through the crowd running into Hooks arms.

"I missed you, dad." He says so nonchalantly.

Hook stares at him in complete shock. Then he looks over at Emma who wears hooks same expression which means she heard Henry too. He looks down at the lad who smiles a huge smile back up at him. He continues just to stare for a few seconds before saying,

"I uh missed you too, lad."

He then looks back at Emma who just smiles. His eyes then settle on Gold who stands away from the scene with zero expression. Emma follows his gaze and walks back over to him.

"Killian, don't." She whispers grabbing his stub that used to be a hand.

He looks at her. Had it not been for the boy holding tightly to him and Emma, he would've been at the crocodiles throat. For a few minutes Hook and Gold make intense eye contact where a silent threat is sent from Hook to gold.

Hook then breaks off the contact and goes back to enjoying the others company and him being back in Emma's arms.

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