Chapter 6:The Reunion

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Killian!" She says crawling across the bed and giving him a huge hug.

He puts his arms around her still kind of lost on what is happening. He pulls back and sees Emma smiling the biggest smile he's ever seen her give but she has tears pricking at her eyes.

"Swan are you alright?" He asks

"I'm fine. Just very relieved." She says pulling him into a hug again.

He hugs her back but is still lost.

"Emma what-" suddenly pain shoots through his head again and he stumbles back

"Ah." He says grabbing his head.

Emma gets up instantly worried.

"Hook! Killian!" She yells running over to him.

He kneels down and that's when the flashbacks start. Everything that happened between him and Emma as the dark ones then it flashes to her facing him and stabbing him crying. Then him falling and seeing Emma normal again. After that the flashes clear and so does the pain. He looks up and sees Emma kneeling next to him with concern etched on her face.

"I died." He says

Emma doesn't reply.

"I-I went to the underworld." He continues

Emma says nothing.
He looks at her and says,

"This doesn't make sense. Where are we?"

"Storybrooke." Emma says

"Where?" Hook asks

"Underworld." Emma replies

"What?You-You shouldn't be here. You're not dead. How are you here?" Hook asks

"Rumplestiltskin." Emma replies

"what? How?" Hook asks

That's when the truth comes out.

"Rumple lied. When you had me stab you, you weren't destroying the darkness but transporting it into another vessel. Which was Mr.Gold." Emma says

"I knew it." Hook says

"What?" Emma asks surprised

"I knew he did something to that bloody sword. When it went through something didn't feel right. I couldn't figure out what until I looked at the crocodile who was the only one smiling out of the group. I tried to warn you that he betrayed us but it was too late I was losing consciousness and couldn't speak." Hook says angry.

Emma just stares full of shock. Hook sits silent for a second then asks,

"How'd he help you?"

"When I found out he was the dark one again I wanted to kill him but then realized that since he was who he was when he died again I knew I had a way to get back to you so I forced him to help me." Emma says

"That's my girl." Hook says smiling

Emma smiles back.

"How'd you get down Here?"Hook asks

"Charon and the boat." Emma replies

"What?" Hook asks

"The same one that brought the dark ones to Storybrooke brought us here. I know you wanted to die a hero but You don't have to die to be a hero because your mine everytime I need help and I couldnt let you go." Emma says pleading.

"Uhn, the one time I finally do something heroic it wasn't even necessary." Hook says shaking his head

"it was still heroic though. If you hadn't done what you did I wouldn't have my family or you. Thank you for saving them and us." Emma says

"What?" Hook asks

"If you wouldn't have done what needed to be done. We'd still be the dark ones mad at each other and my family would be suffering down here." Emma explains

"Yea but if I would've just run the crocodile through instead of myself then we'd be living happily in Storybrooke and you wouldn't of had to deal with the pain of losing me. I going to kill him!" Hook says leaping up but then wincing.

"I know.but You can't. Not down here."Emma says

"I'll find a way." Hook says extremely anger the crocodile had found a way to ruin his life again.

"I bet you will but killing him isn't necessary we can just leave him down here when we go back to Storybrooke." Emma says

"I can't." Hook says

"What?" Emma says

"My heart doesn't pump anymore I can't live up in Storybrooke." Hook says sadly

"I know but it won't need to." Emma says.

"What?" Hook asks

I'll give you half my heart so you can come home with me and we can both live our happy endings." Emma says.

"I can't let you do that because what if it doesn't work I don't want you to only live with 1/2 heart. " Killian says

"It will. My parents share a heart and have been for a few years now. It will work and I will bring you back Killian." Emma says determined.

"Emma-" Killian starts.

"Killian please,just like you asked me to trust you in Camelot. I need you to trust in me. In us.I will bring us both home. " Emma says

Hook stares at her.

"I'm not leaving without you. So either I bring you with me or I'm staying down here with you." Emma says

"Emma-" hook tries again

"I'm serious. I can't live without you so if you don't come I'm not leaving." Emma says full of determination.

Hook smiles.

"Alright. I trust you." He says

Emma smiles back.

"Alright." She says

"I love you." He says pulling her into his lap.

"I love you too." She says.

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