Chapter 11: The visitor

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   Emma and Hook wake up in the morning to a banging on the door. They sit up and look at each other nervously. Then they slide out of bed and Hook takes his sword from its holster. While Emma gets her magic ready.

They walk down the stairs and see the rest of the family reacting the same way. Regina has a fireball at the ready and Robin stands next to her with his bow pulled back. Snow has her bow and Charming has his sword. Henry meanwhile stands further from the group with his sword drawn. They all stand silently with their weapons as the knocking continues.

"Is uh, anybody going to answer it?" Robin asks.

Regina looks at him like,"seriously you're concerned about that now?"

The knocking eventually stops and it becomes eerily quiet.

"Killian follow me. The rest of you stay back but don't lower your weapons." Emma says walking slowly towards the door.

Her and Killian walk down the steps. Then when they get to the door Killian falls back behind a nearby wall.

Emma slowly opens the door to reveal a figure completely clothed in black.

"Hello?" She says

Killian comes to stand by Emma and they just stare at the figure,who remains silent.

"Can we help you,mate?" Killian asks annoyed.

"He requests your presence!" The figure says in a deep man voice.

This takes Emma and Hook aback.

"Who?" Emma asks

"He requests not to be revealed until you face him." The figure says back.

"Why does he want to see me?" Killian asks

"He wants to see the both of you. Mainly the savior." The figure says pointing a bony hand at Emma.

This causes Emma and Hook to jump back a little.Killian puts his arm in protectively in front of Emma.

"Why?" They both ask at the same time.

"He commands not to reveal any information till you face him.Come along now." The figure says.

They still stay where they are at.

"He wants to meet regarding him." The figure says still not revealing their face and pointing towards Killian.

"What?" Emma asks

"He knows about your plan. Now come or I will have to have a fury force you out." The figure says still void of emotion.

Emma looks back at her parents who have concerned faces.

"Fine, we will go."Emma says looking back at the clothed figure

They all start to walk out with the figure but he turns and stops them.

"Just the Savior and the pirate he requests.None else." The figure says sternly.

Emma looks back at her family and nods. They all stare back with concern.

"It'll be alright." Emma reassures.

She then grabs Killians good hand and walks out of the house. By herself she would've been scared but with Killian by her side she felt safer.

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