Chapter 10:I wont leave you,love

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When he gets back in their room, he finds Emma on the bed, wrapped in sheets, thrashing around.

"Killian! Hook! Please don't do this! Don't do this!" She screams.

He rushes over to her and tries to grab her to calm her down.

"Emma! Emma. Calm down! I'm right here. I'm here!" He yells, grabbing her shoulders.

She still however, doesn't come to.

"Killian! I'm sorry! Killian please!" She continues to scream.

"Emma, Emma please! Look at me!" he says trying to get her up.

Still no response. He turns to see if anyone else is coming to help. However, none comes so he tries one last resort. He grabs her somewhat harshly and pulls her into an embrace. She jerks for a few minutes and continues to cry until her eyes shoot open and she sees a sad Killian staring back at her.

"Killian?" She asks, breathing hard.

"Aye." He replies, pulling her closer.

"Killian." She says trying to bury herself in his embrace.

He wraps his good hand around her head and runs it soothingly, making shhh noises as he goes.

"I...I watched you die again" she says jerking in his arms from an escaped sob.

"Shhh, shh." He continues

"I always watch you die. Every time I close my eyes." She says letting tears drop onto his jacket.

"I'm sorry." She says

"Shhh, you don't need to be love. You don't need to be." He says, holding her as close as possible.

Emma buries her head in his chest like a little girl would do to her dad.

"Shhh," he continues to soothe.

"Don't leave me." She says, grasping onto his tee shirt like a life line.

"I won't. Not ever again, love. I'm right here, always." He says into her hair.

He starts to pull her back down to lay with him. Then he looks into her eyes and a silent promise passes between the two of them. That neither one will put the other through that much pain again. Also in that stare is forgiveness and hope they have for the future.

"I love you." Emma says

"I love you too." Killian says.

This causes Emma to snuggle closer to him.

"Now, try to fall back asleep." Killian says

"But the nightmares-" Emma starts

"I'll keep them away, love. I'll be here when you Close your eyes,and when you awake. you need this rest. I got you." Killian says

Emma lays by him and they both calmly fall back asleep.

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