Chapter 2:Discovering Hooks location

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Snow extremely concerned kneels down next to her.

"Emma are you alright?" Snow asks.

"Hook,grrr." Is all she gets outs.

As she kneels she gets vivid images flashing through her brain like a picture book.she sees Hook screaming in pain then she sees a crashed ship along the shore of an ocean. Then again she sees Hook unconscious and all bloodied tied to a post. She lays on her back with her hands over her eyes as more images all involving Hook flash through her brain. She breathes heavily and sweats.

When it's over she still lays on her back and takes deep breaths.

"Hook....I saw..... Ship." She says between breaths

"What?" He mother asks putting her hand on Emma's shoulder.

"I saw hook on his...ship. That's where he's got to be." She replies still lying down.

"That doesn't make sense, his name isn't on the stone."  Snow says.

"You said that they had to be conscious and walking around, right?" Emma says sitting up and taking a sip of water snow gives her.

"Yes." Rumple replies

"Well, Hook wasn't conscious that's why his name isn't there. I need to get to him." Emma says quickly getting.

"Woah,woah there, careful." Snow says catching Emma when she sways a little.

"I have to find him!" Emma says taking off through the graveyard.

"Emma wait!' Snow yells after her.

"Swan!" Regina yells

Emma ignores them both. She runs until she comes to the docks and sees Hooks boat crashed along the harbor. She goes to it and climbs aboard the deck. The others catch up to her and follow her. She walks across the deck and sees a giant gap in it towards the end of the boat. The gap is big enough that she climbs through it and lands in waist high water. The others follow suit.

Her eyes scan around the boat until they land on Hook. Who is shirtless and unconscious.

"Killian!" She screams running over to him.

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